A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Flame Warriors

Post 21


whoops, misread you blicky - you were nominating someone else as Propeller Head.

I think I know who you mean. smiley - biggrin


Flame Warriors

Post 22


And perhaps blicky is:




Flame Warriors

Post 23

A Super Furry Animal

He also has a hint of http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame21.html about him too! smiley - winkeye

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Flame Warriors

Post 24


Perhaps, Freddy, though I also see more than a little of our very own Hoovooloo there. But in both cases, with either blicky or Hoo, one has to also appreciate the humour in their postings.

At least, they almost always make me laugh! Even when at times I know I shouldn't! smiley - blush


Flame Warriors

Post 25

A Super Furry Animal

And I think I've found GiGaBaNE:


RFsmiley - evilgrin

Flame Warriors

Post 26


That's quite good, Freddy! smiley - biggrin

Here is Noggin:



Flame Warriors

Post 27

A Super Furry Animal

Quite a few contenders for that title, methinks smiley - smiley

Is this Jim Lynne? http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame20.html

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Flame Warriors

Post 28


smiley - laugh

Well done, freddy!


Flame Warriors

Post 29

Mu Beta

I can't find one who turns every single post into a rude joke. smiley - wah

Please help!


Flame Warriors

Post 30

A Super Furry Animal

Here you go, B: http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame40.html

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Flame Warriors

Post 31

Mu Beta

Hmmm...I think I'd rather be the male equivalent. smiley - erm


Flame Warriors

Post 32

Mu Beta

I think I'm probably closer to:



Flame Warriors

Post 33


Fascinating list. The thing that scares me about it is not that I appear on it - it's how many times I appear on it.

I've been through the descriptions, and at one time or another in the three or four years I've been active on hootoo, I recognise that I have been every one of the following:

- grammarian
- nitpick
- archivist
- rebel leader
- atheist
- big dog
- tireless rebutter
- therapist
- jerk
- artful dodger
- grenade
- Duelist

The last of which brings me on to the subject of nominating what I think other people are... see if you can guess who I mean:

- stone deaf
- furious typer
- stealth
- impostor
- cry baby
- issues


Flame Warriors

Post 34

Mu Beta

Ooh, I like this game:

- stone deaf - must be Justin the Preacher. smiley - biggrin
- furious typer - I would say Ben, but she might be reading this.
- stealth - pass. Only person I know who uses different accounts on a regular basis is Whisky, and he only does it for amusement value.
- impostor - are we still allowed to mention that name? Four letters, begins with L, yes?
- cry baby - I know half a dozen. They tend to all hang about together and pick on me on a regular basis.
- issue - currently Mr Albatross, but I think it'll die off.


Flame Warriors

Post 35

Mrs Zen

Huh, Master B. smiley - nahnah

I see myself more as a Big Cat http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame82.html

But I haven't worked my way through the whole list.


Flame Warriors

Post 36

Mu Beta

I'm rapidly rebranding myself as Ideologue



Flame Warriors

Post 37

Mu Beta

And can I point out that Centurion (http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame87.html) actually does look like Bruce. smiley - biggrin


Flame Warriors

Post 38

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

I can see elements of my online behavior in some of the others, but the one that seems to fit me best is Big Dog.


Flame Warriors

Post 39

Spaceechik, Typomancer

after just acursory glance at the list, I think I remember "Rebel without a Clue" -- all of them, really. The one(s) who aren't here anymore, aren't they? smiley - winkeye


PS -- none of the FW are me....are they?

Flame Warriors

Post 40

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Hoo: I think I've got a pretty good idea of who you mean... smiley - winkeye

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