A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Flame Warriors

Post 41


I should say that it was Ben who first showed me the Flame Warrior site - and then it was my 'bright idea' to put it onto Ask.

Whilst chatting with Ben this morning about whether doing this would be a good idea or not we both realitzed that we both saw ourselves as Big Cat. smiley - smiley

So, let that be a warning to you all!

smiley - winkeye


Flame Warriors

Post 42


Just to be clear - just as I saw myself spread over all the ones in the first list, the second list also describes a single person's different facets/tactics.

Hope that helps...


Flame Warriors

Post 43

A Super Furry Animal

Oooh, az I'm scared!

Let me remind you, I am PERVMAN!!! Be afraid! Be very afraid!!! smiley - winkeye

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Flame Warriors

Post 44

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Yep. I got it.

Flame Warriors

Post 45


I could only be http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame58.html of course.

Just because a conversation isn't on my PS, it doesn't mean I don't know about it. Just because I actually do contribute doesn't mean it will be on my PS. When I'm not on the "who's online" it doesn't mean I'm not online. And yes, I probably have read all the backlog.
smiley - bluefish

Flame Warriors

Post 46

Researcher 724267

smiley - laugh

Flame Warriors

Post 47


Hi Az(and throng).Does that mean we can look foward to a Big Cat fight ?smiley - winkeye
I should be Nit-Pick,
but i dont think it's really me, so fellow h2g2 friends.
Name Me.....(omigodwhataveidun)
smiley - biggrin
pdsmiley - ante'

Flame Warriors

Post 48

badger party tony party green party

hought about a few of them that fitted where they touched but werent really me.

however looking at the fact that I keep getting told off by the Italics for unpleasant little messages that I drop around the place I think that this best describes me.


Now who want to tickle my tummy?

one love smiley - rainbow

Flame Warriors

Post 49


smiley - tickle


Flame Warriors

Post 50


Have I just found anhaga? smiley - bigeyes



Flame Warriors

Post 51


If I cannot be Big Cat this is close enough: smiley - winkeye

Jekyll and Hyde: http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame32.html

Flame Warriors

Post 52



I feel (although I hesitate to mention it) that I perhaps should take your last post as something of a compliment.smiley - smiley

Flame Warriors

Post 53


smiley - ok


Flame Warriors

Post 54

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> ..perhaps should take your last post as something of a compliment..<<

No perhaps about it, sir. And please accept this endorsement in lieu of an apology for my being so thick in another thread.
smiley - cheers

Flame Warriors

Post 55


I didn't notice you being particularly thick, ~jwf~smiley - erm I confess, I find that your posts are sometimes curmudgeonly, but that is a time honoured Canadian intellectual position. It is a stance with which I sometimes have sympathy.smiley - smiley

Flame Warriors

Post 56

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Walk loudly and be particularly thick, that's my motto.
smiley - cheers

Flame Warriors

Post 57




Between Ben and I? Perish the thought! Though we may occasionally share a 'plaything' . . . smiley - winkeye

You honestly want your peers to name you? smiley - yikes


Flame Warriors

Post 58

Kat - From H2G2

*lurks looking lurkerish*

Im not a lurker Az! *throws self into a gazillion conversations to make up for it...still lurking in a few though*

Flame Warriors

Post 59


Ah ha! So that's why all the new conversations, Kat. Well, you don't fool me, you Lurker! smiley - winkeye


Flame Warriors

Post 60

Kat - From H2G2

oi stop lurking on my PS! Or at least be polite and talk to me smiley - biggrin

No all the new convos are because I got bored last night. Oh and then there was my saucepan problem, and now there's my saxaphone and there's that and this and....

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