A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Dave Allen
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Jan 1, 2008
Dave Allen, awesome! My Mum liked him - I remember her wetting herself when he said solemnly as he took a drink, "I never drink water. fornicate in water."
Pure gold!
Happy New Year.
Giford lectures and tells us how it *really* is. As always...
happykelapa, If I call you Stanley, it's because I think you're an idiot. Posted Jan 1, 2008
Giford lectures and tells us how it *really* is. As always...
happykelapa, If I call you Stanley, it's because I think you're an idiot. Posted Jan 1, 2008
Giford lectures and tells us how it *really* is. As always...
Effers;England. Posted Jan 1, 2008
So how has New Year's Day treated you in the big Durian? Hot no doubt, those tropical places do seem to be.
I came across this hardly complimentary review of your neck of the woods.
Advantages: transport centre. Disadvantages: Smelly polluted and expensive.
Doesn't sound exactly enticing, but then it was written by someone called, Imogen. Probably some poncy type expecting something more quaint and colourful. And it may have changed since then.
Anyway enjoy your new year's day there, and I'll see you around the hoo in 2008.
Giford lectures and tells us how it *really* is. As always...
happykelapa, If I call you Stanley, it's because I think you're an idiot. Posted Jan 1, 2008
A peaceful year ahead
happykelapa, If I call you Stanley, it's because I think you're an idiot. Posted Jan 1, 2008
Mr Sockman
Effers;England. Posted Jan 1, 2008
I stumbled across this Sockman person early on new year's day, in a completely different context. I posted something on Happy's space as well. But I thought this quotation might be quite apt here, especially in relation to the idea Vicky has of feeling very much as a persecuted minority.
'The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority.'
Ralph W. Sockman
I think this quotation is a nice starting point for all of us this thread to consider, for year before us in 2008.
Mr Sockman
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Jan 2, 2008
A minority, but not a persecuted one. Although at times I feel wilfully misunderstood...
It's a good quote!
Mr Sockman
happykelapa, If I call you Stanley, it's because I think you're an idiot. Posted Jan 2, 2008
Maybe people DO understand you.
Maybe they just disagree?
Re: Giford lectures and tells us how it *really* is. As always...
Giford Posted Jan 2, 2008
Hi Vicky,
And a happy new year to you too!
I'm not interested in getting into a slanging match with you. I'm sorry to hear that you feel so put upon, but I'm not going to be drawn into a my fault/your fault contest. Playing the martyr might win you symapthy, but it won't win you a debate. I struggle to think of anyone here I haven't disagreed with over something; you are the only one who seems to respond with abuse.
So that you are aware, I use quotes to show which of your comments I am referring to. I find this helpful when others do it in a complex thread like this. If I use elipsis, it's either because the snipped material doesn't seem relevant (I try to keep quotes short), or I am comparing two separate things you said which I think connect or contradict each-other in some way. In the example given, you appeared to have changed your mind about something between posts, and I was asking for clarification. The elipsis is inserted specifically to flag up to other readers that I'm taking two separate quotes from you.
Contrary to what you said, the only person who can control how you are seen on this thread is you. I have told you numerous times that I have never deliberately misinterpreted what you say. Now I'm telling you again. It's true that I often find your logic difficult to follow, which means it's difficult to tell exactly what you mean by some of your comments. This is not me 'deliberately misinterpreting' you; it is you being unclear. Repeatedly accusing me of dishonesty when I ask for clarification is not helpful from my point of view either.
And yes, I made a spelling mistake. Heavens to Betsy, it's not as if you're a walking Oxford Dictionary either. I've also pointed out before that you tend to swipe at other people's grammar when you don't have a response to their points.
Now, if you are interested in backing up your claim that religion has a better explanation that science for OOBEs, or if you actually want to respond to my comments on why I think your analogies on Catholic censorship are inaccurate, go ahead. You might start by explaining how you conclude that if the neuroscientific explanation for OOBEs is anything less that 100% certain, it should be discarded in favour of a religious view, without any assessment of the certainty of the religious explanation. But if you're simply going to repeat your personal opinions as fact and respond to debate with personal attacks, I have no interest in continuing to converse with you. There are plenty of other people on this thread who actually like to talk.
Re: Giford lectures and tells us how it *really* is. As always...
Alfster Posted Jan 2, 2008
If anyone really believes Della feels put upon or wilfully misunderstood they are total suckers and really haven't noticed what she has continued to do for years.
Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master Posted Jan 2, 2008
I dunno effers I thought it was a wee bit tasteless. I didn't yikse it mind....
Effers;England. Posted Jan 2, 2008
Does anyone else ever sometimes wonder why they ever bother with this place?
Effers;England. Posted Jan 2, 2008
'a wee bit tasteless'? What are we 5 year olds? And what about all the homophobia we regularly read here in the past? Pathetic!
Alfster Posted Jan 2, 2008
Frequently, but it's the least 'pc' forum I have seen so putting up with some moronic yikesing now and again is worth it. Some people seem to have special dispensation on the site...live with it.
Key: Complain about this post
Dave Allen
- 6421: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Jan 1, 2008)
- 6422: happykelapa, If I call you Stanley, it's because I think you're an idiot. (Jan 1, 2008)
- 6423: Effers;England. (Jan 1, 2008)
- 6424: happykelapa, If I call you Stanley, it's because I think you're an idiot. (Jan 1, 2008)
- 6425: Effers;England. (Jan 1, 2008)
- 6426: happykelapa, If I call you Stanley, it's because I think you're an idiot. (Jan 1, 2008)
- 6427: azahar (Jan 1, 2008)
- 6428: happykelapa, If I call you Stanley, it's because I think you're an idiot. (Jan 1, 2008)
- 6429: Effers;England. (Jan 1, 2008)
- 6430: Noggin the Nog (Jan 1, 2008)
- 6431: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Jan 2, 2008)
- 6432: happykelapa, If I call you Stanley, it's because I think you're an idiot. (Jan 2, 2008)
- 6433: Giford (Jan 2, 2008)
- 6434: Alfster (Jan 2, 2008)
- 6435: Effers;England. (Jan 2, 2008)
- 6436: Effers;England. (Jan 2, 2008)
- 6437: Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master (Jan 2, 2008)
- 6438: Effers;England. (Jan 2, 2008)
- 6439: Effers;England. (Jan 2, 2008)
- 6440: Alfster (Jan 2, 2008)
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