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what do you miss most when single?

Post 1


Just curious ..

what do you miss most when single?

Post 2

I'm not really here

Well, obviously sex, but you don't need a 'regular' partner for that.

So I'd say someone to listen. Friends can fill the gap a little, but when they've got their own lives, they don't want me round there every night telling them about my day.

what do you miss most when single?

Post 3

Oetzi Oetztaler....Anti Apartheid

Long time since I was a single man. But looking back I think the thing I missed was an education about women. Most men are thick, well, I was anyway.

I think if I were a young person I would see "singleness" as an opportunity.

So in truth your missing the opportunity to meet others.
I hope this makes sense!

what do you miss most when single?

Post 4

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Not having anyone to do the washing up.

smiley - ale

what do you miss most when single?

Post 5


I haven't been single since I was seventeen - and yes, it's been the same guy ever since. But when we were both at University, in between nobly fending off our fellow students and hour-long phonecalls and eight-page letter writing extravaganzas, what I really missed was someone to warm the bed up for me. I get really cold in winter and I would lie there with numb feet promising myself I'd buy a hot water bottle tomorrow and wishing I had someone to snuggle up to.

Now that said person and I have been living together for five years, whenever one of us is away, I seriously miss his making me a cup of tea in the morning. He has been making me tea in the morning and presenting it to my comatose form since the first night we slept together, and when I have to get up and make my own tea, I feel all cold and sorry for myself.

what do you miss most when single?

Post 6


I tend to be single more than I am in relationships - just a hermit I guess...maybe I just don't know what I'm missing yet but then no woman would be smiley - weird enough to put up with me smiley - silly

what do you miss most when single?

Post 7

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

I find that there are more positive aspects to being single than negative. I would say the main one that I miss is the 'Female' viewpoint on life, ie:- getting help on clothing aspects, etc.

smiley - musicalnote

what do you miss most when single?

Post 8


smiley - kiss

what do you miss most when single?

Post 9

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

ive not been single since i was 15 so i wouldnt realy know what it was like after 19 years.
But i know it must be hard as my lil sis although 33 finds it very hard at times.

what do you miss most when single?

Post 10


Frequent sex,companionship,late night phonecallssmiley - ermbasically having no-one to share things with...support.

what do you miss most when single?

Post 11

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

Reading the papers in bed on Sunday morning and having a humorous, intelligent conversationsmiley - sadface

what do you miss most when single?

Post 12


The constant nagging, the mis-trust, the arguing,the toilet seat being down, plugs full of hair.....

what do you miss most when single?

Post 13

Zak T Duck

smiley - laugh

The hugs.

what do you miss most when single?

Post 14


Yep ,going without smiley - cuddles is probably the worst thing.

Do the things you miss outweigh the things you don't though?
I know I certainly don't miss the nagging, having no 'space', being asked what i've done all day when its 5pm n the living rooms still a mess, arguing over the tv.. etc smiley - erm

what do you miss most when single?

Post 15

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

The things I relish about being single are:-
Not having to worry about when to get home.
Not having to make stupid mobile phone-calls to say 'I'm at the station now'.
Not having to ensure everything is sorted for the weekly wash.
Not keeping certain dates in my diary free to visit the 'Out-laws'.
Being able to decide spontaneously to go to the Cinema.
Not waiting two hours for someone to get ready to visit someone.
Not having to explain why there is a new CD in the rack, but no Hello! magazine, that I'd been sent out for.
Getting up when I'm ready, and not being criticised for not leabving enough time to wash the windows.
Basically, I guess I'm just selfish.
And no, I am not a Misogynist, and have been accused of being too generous for my own good.

And yes, I agree, smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug are deeply missed!!!smiley - blush

smiley - musicalnote

what do you miss most when single?

Post 16

Mu Beta

Not the sex, but the anticipation...


what do you miss most when single?

Post 17


The hugs.

what do you miss most when single?

Post 18

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

the hugs, someone to laugh with, someone to wake up with, someone to drink the other half bottle of wine ....

on the other hand, being alone means I can enjoy my space, not have to watch sport on TV and eat what & when I like...


what do you miss most when single?

Post 19

I'm not really here

I must be weird, I don't miss hugs at all.

what do you miss most when single?

Post 20

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Someone who cares what you're doing.

smiley - shark

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