A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Words That Should Be Used Less

Post 161


Has anyone else complained about 'über' yet? If not, then why not??? smiley - biggrin



Words That Should Be Used Less

Post 162

The Groob

I heard that David and Victoria Beckham (no, I'm not going to call them 'Posh and Becks') were described as the 'uber-couple'. This word wasn't familiar to me so I looked it up in my dictionary but the word wasn't there.

I believe this orginated in the term 'ubermensch' which means ultimate. Why use 'uber' when 'ultimate' will suffice?

Words That Should Be Used Less

Post 163


ubermensch - the German word for 'superman'

especially in the writings of Nietzsche

Anyhow, this is what my dictionary says. My problem with the use of this word that this word is cropping up EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME and, well, it's getting on my nerves.

I'm just listening to a BBC radio programme and within the first 15 minutes they have used the term 'über-something' twice already!



Words That Should Be Used Less

Post 164

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

über for me has a bad taste in mouth.

I think I heard few times on BBC tv, but then again BBC lack of being political correct with names of countries has long history.

The Netherlands should not be called Holland!

Words That Should Be Used Less

Post 165


well if HIStory is...HIS story...what's the truth?.
You know how men lie....smiley - winkeye

I've heard one too many: "actually", "basically" and "exactly" to throw up....Like ya know, dude, it's like not cool....

Way too much..."baby baby","man" and "woo" or "whoa"! in music smiley - groan

"I" as in "I" want...self-centered (you mean their are other people that matter in the universe?) egotistical maniacs...

"DUH" is a good one....really shows intelligence, don't you think? smiley - doh

Way back in the sixties...."groovy" and "far out" really were...
then it was "cool" ...."fantastic".....oh geez....smiley - yikes

gotta run...gotta go...outa here...see ya...adios....ciao...later....
smiley - fairy Barb smiley - magic

Words That Should Be Used Less

Post 166


hi Pheloxi,

Can you explain why the Netherlands shouldn't be called Holland? I've always been confused as to why these two names exist for the same place. Is it because the Netherlands also include a part of Belgium? In Spain we refer to your country as Paises Bajos (Netherlands). But we refer to the people as Holandeses. And sometimes people use the word Holanda to refer to the Paises Bajos.

Please excuse my ignorance, but I hope you will be able to explain the difference.


Words That Should Be Used Less

Post 167

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

Holland was rich part for long time in history. The Netherlands was not there yet. Holland was discovering land and traded. in 1848 it was that Rhe Netherlands was formed by people arounf province of Holland. as you can see Holland was the place for trade and know as such.

nowadays Holland is parted in 2 provinces (North and South Holland) of 12 provinces of The Netherlands.

to be completely correct "the kingdom of the Netherlands".

Belgium was part of Netherlands, but speak a form of Dutch called Flemish.

I am not sure if I am completely correct, because Dutch history lesson is while back!

read more about the Netherlands A562916

Words That Should Be Used Less

Post 168


hi pheloxi,

I guess it would be like calling Wales and Scotland 'England' when in fact they are a part of the United Kingdom.

Thanks for clearing that up. Hey, I learned something new today! smiley - smiley


Words That Should Be Used Less

Post 169

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

I buy CDs thru the internet on Jersey the Americans will think New Jersey, USA but I mean Jersey, UK.

when I talk about England I mean England and not the United Kingdom!

Words That Should Be Used Less

Post 170



And if you ever called someone from Wales and 'Englishman' you would probably get your head taken off! smiley - biggrin


Words That Should Be Used Less

Post 171

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

I had simular expirence in England. I was in bus and heard "Americans" talking and I asked in America they lived. they were Canadians.

may be I should have asked where in North American they lived?

Words That Should Be Used Less

Post 172



Yes, always take care! smiley - biggrin I am Canadian and I HATE it when someone assumes I am from the US.

I suppose the safest question to ask is - 'oh, are you North American?'

smiley - winkeye


Words That Should Be Used Less

Post 173

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

the ladies spoke more US english than US English do.
they blamed on US tv soaps.

I think I would have wrong if asked "where in States are you from?"

Words That Should Be Used Less

Post 174



I think it's true that most Canadians don't sound much different from US-ians anymore - though they used to. Thanks to television and just the proximity of the US to Canada. And really, to call someone American *should* include all of the Americas, north and south, but these days it tends to mean the US.


Words That Should Be Used Less

Post 175

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

in the case used less
if you talk about America means both continents and not only Unites States of America!

it is "über-USA-like" to do that!

Words That Should Be Used Less

Post 176



smiley - biggrin

not über again!


Words That Should Be Used Less

Post 177

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

smiley - laugh

Words That Should Be Used Less

Post 178

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> ..well if HIStory is...HIS story...what's the truth?. <<

Which doesn't just repeat itself.
smiley - winkeye

Words That Should Be Used Less

Post 179


smiley - biggrin

Words That Should Be Used Less

Post 180

Researcher 185550

smiley - laugh

Right alongside you with uber though.

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