A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Pronounciation (subject quite possibly horribly misspelled and terribly unnecessary long)

Post 1

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

How do you pronounce the si in simultaneous?
Is it pronounced as in science or as in simulator?
I had a bit of an argument about it with my english teacher.

Pronounciation (subject quite possibly horribly misspelled and terribly unnecessary long)

Post 2

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

I was always taught as in 'simulator', however the American way of enunciating it like 'science' seems to be the prefered way, as in 'Mee-graine' and 'My-graine'.

No winner I'm afraid.

smiley - musicalnote

Pronounciation (subject quite possibly horribly misspelled and terribly unnecessary long)

Post 3


i say it as you would say simulator

its one of those like 'leisure'
you say 'leisure', we say 'lisuriay'

Pronounciation (subject quite possibly horribly misspelled and terribly unnecessary long)

Post 4

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

Oh my God, I've been pronouncing it in an american way all this time!?
That's it, I'm telling her she's won, no way am I keeping it up like this! I can't believe this, urgh!
Oh the humiliation!

Pronounciation (subject quite possibly horribly misspelled and terribly unnecessary long)

Post 5


you mean you've been saying leisure all this time?!

Pronounciation (subject quite possibly horribly misspelled and terribly unnecessary long)

Post 6

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

YES! GOD YES! Oh dear heavens forgive me! I did not know, I did not know!

Pronounciation (subject quite possibly horribly misspelled and terribly unnecessary long)

Post 7


well, consider yourself told. and remember the word herbs too!

Pronounciation (subject quite possibly horribly misspelled and terribly unnecessary long)

Post 8

Gnomon - time to move on

By the rules of English pronunciation, simultaneous should be pronounced sigh-mul-tane-ee-uss, but it isn't, except in America. In Britain, it is pronounced sim-ull-tane-ee-uss.

Pronounciation (subject quite possibly horribly misspelled and terribly unnecessary long)

Post 9


Damn the izzisms! damn them all to hell! no nopt really, i love em to bits smiley - biggrin

Pronounciation (subject quite possibly horribly misspelled and terribly unnecessary long)

Post 10

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

The key to answering this question, from my viewpoint, is "simultaneity". Pronouncing it "SIGH-mull-tan-eh-itty" just sounds wrong.

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