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TV kids' shows that never get mentioned in nostalgic conversations about kids' TV shows

Post 161

The Groob

Great dubbing too! I love the way their mouth carries on moving after they've finished talking.

TV kids' shows that never get mentioned in nostalgic conversations about kids' TV shows

Post 162

badger party tony party green party

All dubbed TV shows have a happy anarchy about them. And dont forget that above all things Monkey is IRREPRESSIBLEsmiley - weird

TV kids' shows that never get mentioned in nostalgic conversations about kids' TV shows

Post 163


It was a sequel! It wasn't the original story smiley - winkeye

TV kids' shows that never get mentioned in nostalgic conversations about kids' TV shows

Post 164

The Groob

Watu Watu.

Popped into my head last night. It was from the 'what the hell is that supposed to be?' school if I remember rightly (as was 'Ludvig').

TV kids' shows that never get mentioned in nostalgic conversations about kids' TV shows

Post 165


Aaaah, Ludwig! smiley - biggrin

The New Schmoo!!!!

TV kids' shows that never get mentioned in nostalgic conversations about kids' TV shows

Post 166

Yvonne aka india

I'd forgotten entirely about Ludwig, a musical crystal egg wasn't it?

TV kids' shows that never get mentioned in nostalgic conversations about kids' TV shows

Post 167

The Groob

The Ed Stewart request show on radio 1. I used to listen to it in the 70s. Arnold the dog "woof woof!" featured, and the kid who always used to say:

Happy birthday to you
I went to the zoo
I saw a fat monkey
and I thought it was you (dirty laugh)

If I remember rightly, the Laughing Policeman was requested quite often. How quaint those times seem when you look back. Now the kids are more likely to request homophobic misogynous rap (with its silent 'C').

TV kids' shows that never get mentioned in nostalgic conversations about kids' TV shows

Post 168

the autist formerly known as flinch

Sam and the Sheep Stealers

The Magic Playground (?): Bill and Penelope


TV kids' shows that never get mentioned in nostalgic conversations about kids' TV shows

Post 169

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Arnold the dog was Tony Blackburn's sidekick, wasn't he?

smiley - flustered I've said too much. smiley - run

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