A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Calling All Pedants on h2g2

Post 401

Rudest Elf

Distracted by the need to defend the Guardian (heaven knows why), I seem to have played down the wrong line. My sincere apologies, TRiG.

Calling All Pedants on h2g2

Post 402

Yael Smith

smiley - laugh I was going to mention the sentance error, but having ommitted the word 'have' from a sentence only this morning, I couldn't find the strength (and, I feel, hypocrisy) to do so.

Calling All Pedants on h2g2

Post 403

pailaway - (an utterly gratuitous link in the evolutionary chain)

On a different smiley - musicalnote

Our town meeting agendas consistently contain the following:

'Items marked with an asterick...'

So I finally spoke with the town clerk and pointed out that (in the US) it should be 'asterisk'.

She pointed out that it is 'asterick' in the dictionary, to which I replied 'which one?'

'This one' she said and showed me her computer. 'The one in Word'

So the clerk before her apparently got disgusted with the spellcheck constantly correcting their mispelling and they clicked on 'add to dictionary' to make it shut up. Now it's her 'dictionary' and it's gospel.

Our town meeting agendas still contain the following:

'Items marked with an asterick...'

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