A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Explain your name

Post 201

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

when I joined my name was psuedo (short for psuedonym, psuedo-intellectual or psuedopod, you takes your choice smiley - winkeye) but that same day I was collared by Cat-Eyes and bullied into joining the Feline Mercenary Army smiley - winkeye
I felt I should change my name to something feline and after a brief sojourn as psuedo-cat chose Blackberry Cat because they are supposed to be unlucky (for others) and evil, and since then I've grown to like it smiley - biggrin

Explain your name

Post 202

Tactitus:- a temporal incursion will restore the Cremin Emporiam to galactic dominance once more!

I named after a Roman commentator, I'm trying to read his Annals of Imperial Rome. It's quite gossipy and gives you a real feel, if thats at all piossible, for ancient Rome, my favourite time in history. Any road up I think his name sound wonderful on the lips!

Explain your name

Post 203

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

smiley - catsmiley - bookmarking

Explain your name

Post 204


It was my original CB (pre-licensing) handle.

'What's your handle?'
'Watermusic' (as opposed to 'The Messiah' or 'The Royal Fireworks' by Handel)

and it shortens to WM - which are my first name initials.

Explain your name

Post 205

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

Back when video games let one enter a name only a few characters long, I tended to enter my initials; hence I got used to having computer screens refer to me as 'RFJS'.

Some people are so desperate to make my name vaguely interesting that they alter the number of underscores; consequently the name comes in three known flavours (RFJS, RFJS_, RFJS__), not countng misspellings and changing taglines.

Explain your name

Post 206


My weekend hobby is going to the butcher, geting a few ounds of ham and sculpting it into the shape of a foot.

Explain your name

Post 207

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

mmm...some is doing the former hobby...

smiley - silly

Explain your name

Post 208

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Footbacon, I was certain that with a name like that you were male instead of the rather obviously cute-abulous female you appear to be in your photo. Don't ask me why except that foot shaped bacon or a bacon shaped foot seemed less...comely...smiley - rofl

smiley - winkeye

Explain your name

Post 209


I do love a good comelysmiley - bigeyes

Explain your name

Post 210

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Tavaron is elvish (Quenia, if anybody cares) and means "woodland sprite" (tavar= wood, onna=creature). I took this name because a) I'm a Tolkien fan, b) it's not as stupid and obvious as calling yourself something like Arwen or Galadriel or something and c) when I came here I felt like some odd creature which visits a big city for the first timesmiley - bigeyes

Explain your name

Post 211

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

hallo smiley - elf

Explain your name

Post 212

Orange A (formerly known as DunlopVolley)

My name is DunlopVolley because I looked around the room, and chanced to see one of my pairs of Dunlop Volley shoes, when searching for a name. That's it , no meaning, nothing interesting. Oh well...

Explain your name

Post 213


Syme - A minor character in the book 1984, he got vaporized. He was working on the 10(?)th edition newspeak dictionary for Minitru. I identified with his attidute towerds doublethink.

And 42 is, well...

Does anyone know how to pronounce it?
Does it rhyme with sim or thyme?

Explain your name

Post 214

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

That's a good choice of name, Tavaron... smiley - magic

Explain your name

Post 215


Mine is to do with my profession. I am a midwife, often referred to as a madwife. I thought Meg sounded like a witches name, and midwives used to be accused of being smiley - witchs

Explain your name

Post 216

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Thanks, Cat Woman! I searched for a few days until I finally chose this name smiley - elf.

(smiley - frog)

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