A Conversation for Ask h2g2

To be friends or not ... ?

Post 41


Advice from someone who's been there:

Find out whether they really do want to be "just friends" - find someone else, and do it right now.

If she's a true friend, she'll be happy for you. Be thankful you have a true friend, for such (of either gender) are rare and precious - hold onto her as a friend and be glad you have her as that, because it is as precious a relationship as any you could hope to have.

If she's not happy for you, if she's anything other than really glad that you've found someone, if she suddenly stops speaking to you or phoning or returning your calls, then you can be sure she was a fickle pr**k-teasing bitch and you can thank your lucky stars you'll have nothing more to do with her headf**k games.


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To be friends or not ... ?

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