A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 561


Better than on your pillow ...


Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 562


Certainly better than on my pillow,ewww. Too be fair I did think it was a point well made,best to take it as a sign of affection, I guess,at least she missed us....
Part klingon, oh now it's starting to make a whole load of sense
smiley - biggrin

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 563

Spaceechik, Typomancer

From Star Trek...I believe from the movie, Wrath of Khan. smiley - tongueout

"the Klingons say revenge is a dish best served cold."

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 564

rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger)

BooBoo smiley - cat has recently decided that the "foot" of the recliner is her territory. Has never shown an interest in it before, but now if I extend it, that's where she lays. And when I get up and try to put it back, she gets very smiley - grr !

Wonder why, after all these years????

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 565

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

Cause she luvs yer, lol!

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 566

rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger)

Last night, we had a family hunting safari. The prey: the dreaded house mouse! smiley - mouse

First, I heard BooBoo smiley - cat crashing around. Then, I heard both dogs smiley - dog crashing around. Figured they were chasing the cat, so I went to referee. (Mind you, that's to protect the dogs from the cat, not vice versa!)

Well, I soon realized that they were after a mouse, which was looking pretty frantic by this point. Eventually, Sasha smiley - dog caught it, but was just holding it in her mouth. Good girl, Sasha! Bring it outside!!! *opened front door*

"Oooh, I'm a good girl! And I'm supposed to go outside!" So, Sasha smiley - dog politely puts down the mouse and goes outside with her brother. The damp, confused mouse hesitates for a second, then takes off running!

The smiley - cat and I continue the hunt, with no success. I eventually bring the dogs back in, and all four of us continue the hunt!

The smiley - mouse is still a fugitive...

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 567


I would have to vote for my smiley - blackcat Mischief. Hes quite a big cat but he didn't start out that way.When we got him he was tiny and would go head first into my sons shoes,scrabble around in them for a while and when he poked his head out he would be boss eyed smiley - laugh. If you bent down to get anything he would jump on your back and nibble your hair.We have had pressies of rats,mice,canary's and budgies and frogs and toads.The one thing I think that tops it is that in the place where we used to live he made friends with a fox.They would be spotted quite a few times by friends and neighbours walking around together at night. He also has a habit of picking on big dogs.At the momment he is currently tormenting two syberian huskies that live next door.Mischief by name and mischief by nature.

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