A Conversation for Ask h2g2
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Head games (or Betrayed by My Own Subconscious)
Rains - Wondering where time's going and why it's in so much of a hurry! Posted Aug 6, 2003
I can't remember where this quote comes from (outside of a Star Trek film!) but "the future is an undiscovered country".
Like Tabitca says, don't give up yet, you never know what might happen
Head games (or Betrayed by My Own Subconscious)
Talix18, KOTOCOTS,EMP,&TSEPF Posted Aug 3, 2006
It is so amazing how things that loom so large at one point in your life really do pass, with time. I thought I got over that "You don't understand - this is *different*!" thing when I was a teenager - clearly, no.
Three years later (have I really been away that long?) I am still friends with the guy in question, don't cringe every time I see him online, and he's still with the girl he started seeing. We don't talk as much as we used to, but wonder of wonders, there is peace.
And I am dating another guy I met online, who lives in Toledo (Ohio, not Spain) and has shared custody of his almost-nine-year-old daughter so he won't be moving to my area code anytime soon. He is so wonderful to me and loves me without reservation - I love him too, but have a hard time sitting still (some things don't change, it seems) and letting it be. It's been a little over a year...so far.
The moral of the story? The more things change, the more they stay the same, I guess.
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Head games (or Betrayed by My Own Subconscious)
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