A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Beards: why?

Post 81

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Wow. I've known pets to die _almost_ that suddenly, but....

In any case, my deepest sympathies are with you.

Beards: why?

Post 82

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

My sympathies to you as well. I lost mine a while ago to a liver disease he'd been battling for years without our knowing about it. By the time the vet figured out what was going on, he was too far gone to be helped....smiley - sadface

Beards: why?

Post 83


I can usually find what I need, under normal cluttered conditions. My problems usually arise when someone needs something -right now- and my hands are full with another task. That's when I'm forced to grit my teeth and utter the fateful words, "It's right beside the computer, on the left side of the monitor. Can you get it?" Arrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I come back to find they've rearranged my carefully arranged mess, and I can find nothing til I've cleared it away, one piece at a time. *sigh*

Beards: why?

Post 84


Maybe for baby face lads to look oh-so-much-more manly?

Beards: why?

Post 85


Why do so many beards go gray before the nogggin?

Why Shave?

Post 86

Taipan - Jack of Hearts

Having seen a few recently sheared sheep, I reckon the reason you don't see them standing in the sun is simply 'coz they're suffering from self consciousness - exactly like you do after a bad haircut - and are in fact hiding in the shadows or - if possible - behind the nearest hill.

Why Shave?

Post 87


Heehee... In a lot of cases, I'm sure that's true. Fortunately for ours (when we had them) we supplied them with the name of a -very- good barber. smiley - winkeye

Beards: why?

Post 88


Who cares?

Beards: why?

Post 89

RichardG R#26400

Ex-Wives seem to. They seem to have more to say on this than their "Ex" status suggests they should!

Beards: why?

Post 90


Beats me. smiley - tongueout~

Beards: why?

Post 91


Why is my beard gingerish and quite curly whilst my hair is greying mousy (at only 23 - cool) and only wavy?
Maybe this serves some evolutionary purpose. Tightly-curled beard hairs that pad the chin, should someone feel the need to strike you squarely upon the jaw.

Beards: why?

Post 92


Perhaps it's something to catch their ring in? (Don't ask. smiley - winkeye)

Beards: why?

Post 93


My wife refuses to let me shave mine off. Strangely, ever since she saw a photograph of me when I was clean shaven.

I think one of the main pluses (plusses? Pli?) is that it gives you something to stroke in a wise and thoughtful kind of manner when puzzling over a particularly thorny problem (or when just trying to look wise and thoughtful).

It's also great for dipping in the top of your Guiness, and then slurping the froth in a slow fashion with your bottom lip, although this can make you look a bit like a camel.

Beards: why?

Post 94

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

Neither me nor my husband shave - though I haven't got a big red beard like him - I have got more hair on my head though- chortle chortle...

Neither his beard nor my legs are scratchy though - both are soft and furry.

Beards: why?

Post 95

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

It's said if you never touch a beard ie trim it in any way, it'll be soft and furry. I wouldn't mind attaining that state but for the fact that I'd look like I was peering over a hedge. So it's out with the razor and the Braun trimmer once a week I'm afraid, and by bedtime you could strike a match on my cheeks, which is handy for the candle to light the way to bed.

Beards: why?

Post 96

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

What's wrong with looking like you're peering over a hedge? It doesn't put my husband off.smiley - smiley

Why spend the time and money shaving - aren't there better things to do with life?

Beards: why?

Post 97

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)


Beards: why?

Post 98


Here's the simple truth.

Beards are what happens when we can't be bothered shaving.

Eventually it will itch enough for us to be bothered enough to shave it.

Men who have beards have something to hide. Beware a bearded man with a shifty look.

Beards: why?

Post 99

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

No, no - you've obviously never got past the itchy bit. True you do feel incredibly dirty for a few days, but once you've got past that, you stop being aware of it. I think you're being a bit beardist though. Beware of ANYBODY with a shifty look, I say.

Beards: why?

Post 100


I did have a goatee for a while, then a chinstrap. Maintainence is also a pain. You do stop noticing if after a while, but its a pain-in-the-butt to get to that point.
Man, I just realised. Maybe I -am- a beardist. I think most poeple with a moustache look quite silly come to think of it....

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