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C4's 100 greatest films

Post 1


Just looked at the whole list as I only watched part of the programme.

Most of my favourites were in there, even if I might dispute their position. Presumably the latest blockbusters (HP, LotR etc) were too new to be included.

But where was 'The Truman Show', 'The Go-Between', 'Edward Scissorhands'?

Which of your favourites were missing?

C4's 100 greatest films

Post 2


Could someone post the top 10/20? I only saw a tiny fragment of the programme...

C4's 100 greatest films

Post 3


I know it's no use directing you to filmfour.com!

Here's the top 20:

1. Star wars: The Empire strikes back
2. The Godfather
3. The Shawshank Redemption
4. Pulp Fiction
5. Some like it hot
6. Gladiator
7. It's a wonderful life
8. Blade Runner
9. Schindler's list
10. Goodfellas
11. Psycho
12. Jaws
13. Apocalypse Now
14. One flew over the cuckoo's nest
15. The Matrix
16. Casablanca
17. The usual suspects
18. Crouching Tiger, hidden dragon
19. Citizen kane
20. Raging bull

C4's 100 greatest films

Post 4


I disagree with every single part of that list.

Bladerunner is one of the most over-worshipped and poorly directed films I have ever seen.

The fact that Star Wars is number one, and a lot of the other films are either sci fi, war or an overdose of testosterone, it is pretty obvious that the list was determined via internet vote...

There is not ONE extreme film in there, only two with women as a main role (and I hate to be feminist, but thery aren't exactly positive female roles either), and the most recent are the Matrix and CTHD...

What utter s**te for a list.

C4's 100 greatest films

Post 5

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

The only film I can think of that I was surprised was missing was The Sting ... there were a few which surprised me too - The Matrix for example ... yes it was good but was it really one of the top 100 films?

C4's 100 greatest films

Post 6


The Matrix deserved to be higher than #14 (?)...an amazing film.

I think I should compile my own top 100...

Problem is, I need a list of every film I have watched - and who can remember that?

C4's 100 greatest films

Post 7


How come Croutching Tiger Hidden Dragon is 18th? Surely the list should only have films in English.

And why The Empire Strikes Back as No1. I thought Episode 4 was a lot better.

C4's 100 greatest films

Post 8


Just try & pick a few that you've watched a lot then!

C4's 100 greatest films

Post 9


Why only English? Do foreign films not count as proper films then? smiley - erm

C4's 100 greatest films

Post 10


Teaswill - But my favorite film is Stigmata. But that isn't the greatest film of all time...

C4's 100 greatest films

Post 11


No, that wasn't in the list either!

I wonder whether people were asked to choose their top 5/10/whatever out of a given list, or whether they could nominate freely. These lists are all a bit of nonsnese, but fun watching all the clips.

C4's 100 greatest films

Post 12

Cheerful Dragon

I don't think people will ever agree with any given list of '100 best' anything. A lot of my favourite films were there, but some were missing that I thought were glaring omissions, while I couldn't see the point of other films that *did* make the list. I guess that all you can say about any film is why it is 'best' from a particular point of view. I was (and still am) appalled that a Star Wars was voted number 1. OK, they picked my favourite Star Wars film, but there are any number of films that I regard as better than that one - Usual Suspects and L.A. Confidential to name two.

C4's 100 greatest films

Post 13

Mister Matty

Didn't they do some sort of "double" thing with the top two? "Godfather I and II" and "Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back"?

Raiders of the Lost Arc was notable for it's absence.

C4's 100 greatest films

Post 14


Well, like I said, it is obvious who the main voters were - Star Wars, and other sci fi, war films and testosterone injected flicks?

Voted for on the internet...by internet geeks.

Just a simple fact. Now, *IF* they had sent out a form to all their FilmFour subscribers...of which I am one...it would probably be a completely different story. There would be quite a few more modern flicks, as well as a less *male* theme...not to be feminist/sexist...but I probably only like about 3 of the films in the top 20...and I know quite a few people who would agree with me...

C4's 100 greatest films

Post 15


That's interesting that you think there should be more modern films, 'cos overall I'd have said there were too many, which is again probably an indication of the age of the voters.

C4's 100 greatest films

Post 16

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Anything by Jacques Tati in the top 100? How about 'A Man For All Seasons', or 'The Sweet Smell of Success', or 'The Man Who Would be King', or 'It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World'?

C4's 100 greatest films

Post 17


If some Star Wars gibberish makes it to the number 1 spot, then I'm rather pleased that I avoided watching either of the two shows. I would have been so cross to have sat through those hours of TV only to have got that as top choice.

C4's 100 greatest films

Post 18

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I must admit to have not seen 25% of the top 20 smiley - smiley

I've seen a Rocky movie either smiley - biggrin

Can't believe Bull Durham didn't make the cut smiley - sadface

C4's 100 greatest films

Post 19

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I've *never* seen a Rocky movie either smiley - doh

C4's 100 greatest films

Post 20


I dug through the full list and at number 54 is Titanic (the version with Leonardo "Sprout Face" Di Caprio, not the superior item starring Kenneth More) and the next five down the list were -

Jean De Florette / Manon Des Sources
Dr Strangelove
Rebel Without A Cause
Seven Samurai
A Matter of Life and Death

That says a lot somehow smiley - erm

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