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are we evolving or getting more stupid?

Post 81

McKay The Disorganised

This post sort of implies that the only measure of evolution is intelligence. smiley - sadface Perhaps thats why we're in such a mess.

How nice if our evolution were determined by how much happiness we could spread.

are we evolving or getting more stupid?

Post 82

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Your statement is about wisdom to me. *confused* I no way way equate intelligence to wisdom. They are seperate in my book,they may or may not overlap in an individual.

are we evolving or getting more stupid?

Post 83

Math - Playing Devil's Advocate

I'm yet to see a definition of intellegence (or wisdom) that isn't almost entirly subjective, or for a very specific purpose (though I have to admit I have seen very few attempts to define wisdom). The best I have seen so far is;
Russian Artificial Intelligence (AI) researchers say that someone or something is intelligent if it gives intelligent answers to intelligent questions.
(taken from the Intelligence project A584525)

My personal view would be that intellegnce is a combination of a lot of things from perception to patience. Where as to be wise is the history of having been right (or closer to right) more than the majority of people the majority of times within the memory of the person making the judgement (on this basis I'll never be called wise smiley - winkeye).


are we evolving or getting more stupid?

Post 84

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

interesting...thanks 4 the info. I never equated wisdom with a history of being right! smiley - laugh Makes it sound like U would need followers.smiley - erm I guess defining wisdom, is similar to what is reality and beauty is to an individual.

are we evolving or getting more stupid?

Post 85

Math - Playing Devil's Advocate

The way I arrived at that conclusion was by thinking of someone who I thought of as wise and trying to decide why I thought that. Then broadening this to come up with a generalisation, after a number of rewords I was ready to share smiley - smiley

Just a random thought;
Are evolving and getting more stupid mutualy exclusive, or could we manage both at once ?

"Everybody knows the dice are loaded" Leonard Cohen

are we evolving or getting more stupid?

Post 86


"Are evolving and getting more stupid mutualy exclusive, or could we manage both at once?"

Surely if we, as a species, are getting more stupid, then we *are* evolving. That is, we are getting less "intelligent" because our abilities to learn or think are decreasing. Becoming more stupid by not reaching our full potential (I hate that phrase, but I can't think of a better one just now) is a different thing.


are we evolving or getting more stupid?

Post 87

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

Evolution gives not a tinker's cuss to intelligence, stupidity and for that matter ought else.

All that matters is that the genes are passed on successfully down the generations. The vessel is secondary. A good example would be the Dinosaurs which 'ruled the Earth' for the best part of 65 Million years withou any 'Intelligence' as we know it. They were, however, superbly adapted to their environment and adaptable within the prevailing climatic subset at the time.

Now the lower orders from Retroviruses up to insects have dene even better, and plants similarly.

Never did go forth and multiply carry more meaning.smiley - biggrin

turvysmiley - blackcat

are we evolving or getting more stupid?

Post 88

R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- )

I would define something as intelligent if an intelligent entity can't determinefrom its responces to questions whether it is an intelligent entity or not. IE a Turing Test. OF course, there is still the difficulty of deciding on an intelligent entity to administer the test.

are we evolving or getting more stupid?

Post 89

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

smiley - footprints

are we evolving or getting more stupid?

Post 90


Exactly. We are evolving and getting more stupid.

are we evolving or getting more stupid?

Post 91


I'm sorry, but we are devolving, simply because the term ' survival of the fittest' no longer applies to the modern world. Wether we're getting more stupid is anotheer question.

are we evolving or getting more stupid?

Post 92


Definition of fit - suitable for a given role.

In the context of survival of the fittest this means that genomes that produce more offspring as considered fitter. Stupid people often produce more offspring that they can support and this makes them more biologically successful.

As their environment supports these extra offspring for them they are being unwittingly cunning by taking advantage of it.

are we evolving or getting more stupid?

Post 93

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

smiley - steam

are we evolving or getting more stupid?

Post 94

Nbcdnzr, the dragon was slain, and there was much rejoicing

Untill eventually mankind kills itself, stupid people included.

are we evolving or getting more stupid?

Post 95


The stupid people are generally content just to hang around so if they got in charge they wouldn't start nuking people.

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