A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Have the Americans upset God?

Post 1

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Locust plague hits Afghanistan
A plague of locusts is threatening Afghanistan, a senior international aid official said yesterday.

Have the Americans upset God?

Post 2

Go-Go Girl

If the Americans had 'upset God', as you ask, then wouldn't the locust plague be visited upon the US rather than Afghanistan?

smiley - winkeye

Have the Americans upset God?

Post 3

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

I suspect God is targeting the Americans who are targeting the citizens of Afghanistan.

More at http://www.stuff.co.nz/inl/index/0,1008,1192043a12,FF.html

Have the Americans upset God?

Post 4

Mister Matty

God is targeting the Americans, who are targetting the Afghans, by targetting the Afghans? smiley - huh

Well, he does move in a mysterious way smiley - silly

Have the Americans upset God?

Post 5

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Perhaps he/she is saving the floods and outbreaks of boils for the American mainland

Have the Americans upset God?

Post 6


You can't click on the link, you need to copy it all and paste it in the address bar. As for the locusts, they are nothing to do with God, Americans or Afghans, they are just doing what comes naturaly

Alji smiley - zensmiley - wizard

Have the Americans upset God?

Post 7

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Not quite.

The plague is of biblical proportions

Have the Americans upset God?

Post 8


'biblical proportions' means that it is bigger than usual but it doesn't mean that it was sent by God. There was no one around to stop them because they were all keeping their heads down and not going out into the fields to sort out the problem.

Alji smiley - zensmiley - wizard

Have the Americans upset God?

Post 9


Next thing you know and the Mainland USA will be struck by earthquakes, tornados, drought, floods, Celine Dion, hurricanes... Oh, hang on...

Stesmiley - earth

Have the Americans upset God?

Post 10

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

What would happen if God sent plagues on America?

Would he be denounced as a terrorist who envied their freedom and way of life? Would the US start carpet bombing clouds in the hope of hitting him? Would the Angel Gabriel escape on a motorbike from US special forces?

I can hear the news reports now
"It's not known whether God is alive or dead. We have a videotape address by a man with a beard, but we don't know when it was made. God has an international network of terror, with small cells in nearly every town run by a harmless looking person with a dog collar"

The mind boggles....


Have the Americans upset God?

Post 11

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

This is either going to get me moderated or flamed, but what the hell smiley - biggrin

Bush's new axis of evil - The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost.

Have the Americans upset God?

Post 12


How could America possibly upset god?
They are a Christian country, are they not?
They support Christians (Israel).
They *are* Christians (other than the 'thou shalt not kill bit, which seems entirely superflous).
To quote Two-bit

"If a person genuinely can't tell the difference between right and wrong because of mental disease or defect they should be confined for life, rather than executed. On the other hand, if they're that defective, they're not really human are they?"

So it's OK to kill them. George, darling, keep your head down.

Have the Americans upset God?

Post 13


Can i settle this once and 4 all,the yanks aint upset me.Now i've sorted that i'll think i'll have a nap

Have the Americans upset God?

Post 14


I did find that locust plague sort of interesting. But I have no idea wether it is normal or not. But they were huge.

Have the Americans upset God?

Post 15

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Someone mentioned God works in mysterious ways.

I suspect he/she is punishing the Americans - the defacto ruling power in Afghanistan - for killing Afghan civilians by getting the locusts to eat the poppy plants whose product end-users would have been the American heroin addicts who will now have to rob - and most likely kill - innocent Americans to pay the higher prices to feed their habits. (Supply and demand).

A busy person, God has also recently visited drought and tornadoes on mainland America.

For some unknown reason, the outbreak of boils has not happened yet.... though, of course, the anthrax outbreaks late last year have never been satisfactory explained.

Have the Americans upset God?

Post 16

the autist formerly known as flinch

Have the Americans upset God?

The only god the Americans have is money, and money has no feelings whatsoever.

Have the Americans upset God?

Post 17

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

You may very well feel that way. I couldn't possibly comment.

Have the Americans upset God?

Post 18


Crikey! I don't mind the start of yet another thread bashing Americans. But did you have to bring God into it? This could turn into a simultaneous flame-war between Americans and anti-Americans, while in the background others bicker about whether God exists, or worse yet, CREATIONISM VS EVOLUTION. *yawn* Less exciting than watching paint dry, even if you look forward to eating chips of the dry lead-based paint afterwards.

Anyhow, in my estimation, God is not punishing the Americans. Why would he pay attention to any of the actions of mortals? 'In His House at R'lyeh Dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.'
(Sorry, I just got the d20 CoC rulebook last week.)

Have the Americans upset God?

Post 19


Loonytunes, have you seen or heard about this television commercial in which kids and teens say things like "I helped murder a judge, I helped hijack a plane, I helped kill a cop, it was just some harmless fun" with the punchline that terrorists make money from sales of drugs?

I'd like to see a commercial that shows average Americans saying, "I helped bomb a Red Cross warehouse. I helped spread unexploded ordinance in streets and fields where children would find it. I helped imprison thousands of people who haven't been accused and won't have fair trials. I was only paying my taxes." Voice-over says, "If you paid your federal taxes, you could be helping fund a terrorist state."

Have the Americans upset God?

Post 20


Actually the Taliban regime had outlawed growing drugs. So it is only after they have fallen that drugs will be coming out of Afghanistan again.

Does anyone know if there are any lunar eclipses going on soon? I'm thinking the whole moon turning to blood thing.

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