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Have the Americans upset God?
Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here Posted May 9, 2002
Simulpost. I was replying to frogbit.
Have the Americans upset God?
Henry Posted May 9, 2002
Well I dare say the conspiracy theorists will get mileage aout of it...I was think more along "If they hadn't made it, it couldn't have been used" lines.
People who follow the news are "conspiracy theorists?"
Deidzoeb Posted May 10, 2002
That's not a conspiracy. That's old news. Hasn't this circulated in Europe? I don't think it's even controversial or debated anymore. There was a conservative magazine cover story a few weeks ago that angrily asked why the FBI was so doggedly pursuing the angle that a rogue American scientist had spread anthrax. The rest of us (liberals and moderates and people who have been following the news) remember hearing this link months ago, and would consider the FBI's behavior reasonable.
I'm surprised no one here screamed "conspiracy theory" when I said the US gov't paid $400 million to the Taliban last summer as an incentive to lower drugs. If I hadn't heard that fact from a credible source, I would have thought it was another conspiracy theory. But then, when you remember the list of enemies who had previously been funded by the US (the short list would include Noriega, Saddam Hussein, the Mujahedin, even Ho Chi Minh back in the 40s), it makes more sense.
Have the Americans upset God?
Thirdgirl Posted May 10, 2002
The big question is has God upset George Bush, John Ashcroft and Dick Cheney. Cause if he has there's gonna be big trouble buster...Star Wars like you wouldn't believe. ( wouldn't it be nice if God was a pacifist?)
Have the Americans upset God?
Thirdgirl Posted May 10, 2002
or for that matter Bush, Cheney and Ashcroft? And why does Tony Blair pretend to like Bush anyway? Wouldn't the truth be better?
Have the Americans upset God?
Xanatic Posted May 10, 2002
I certainly heard about the anthrax thing a long time ago. It seems it was someone in the US military that did it, but for some reason they can't arrest the guy. I'm guessing he is too important for them. The thing that makes it sound conspiratorial is that at the moment microbiologists seems to be dropping like flies.
And by the way, America has been supporting Bin Laden. One of Bush oil companies used to do business with him. One of the guys that visited Bin Laden called him the most evil man alive. But since they were earning money at the time, no reason to stop him. Also the intermittent government in Afghanistan seems to be made up of former consulents for Bush oil affairs in Afghanistan.
Have the Americans upset God?
Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here Posted May 10, 2002
Is America the only country where you can buy the loyalty of the free press?
Have the Americans upset God?
a girl called Ben Posted May 10, 2002
Not at all. Our press was bought up by an Australian some time ago...
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Have the Americans upset God?
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