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How come singers ain't got no soul no more?

Post 1


I mean, take someone like Otis Redding. He didn't have to sing seven notes in one word to impress. He just had *it*, whatever *it* is.

And there ain't no singers got *it* no more. smiley - sadface

How come singers ain't got no soul no more?

Post 2

a girl called Ben

Well so many of them are teenagers, bent on becoming celebrities.

And they don't do drugs like they used to, or if they do, they do coke instead of grass, peyote and acid. Not that I am recommending anyone do drugs. Or going on Pop Idol, either.


How come singers ain't got no soul no more?

Post 3

il viaggiatore

The reason is, 'it' don't sell with the kids no more. You can still find singers with 'it', but not if you're looking on empty vee or the billboard top 20.

How come singers ain't got no soul no more?

Post 4

The Theory

Whenever I talk about the music I listen to, people stare at me with blank expressions. They have no clue what I am talking about. None of the bands I listen to appear on ANY top ANYTHING chart. And I believe that I have a couple of bands amoung my collection that put their heart into singing. However, when I mention any of these bands, people quickly change the subject to the newest Britney S. release, or something horrid like that.


How come singers ain't got no soul no more?

Post 5


I'd say the reason singers have no soul anymore, is because today you have to sell it to get a record deal. Music is a product today, so you have to sell out or face financial ruin.

How come singers ain't got no soul no more?

Post 6

Tube - the being being back for the time being

They do have soul, they do. You're probably listening to the wrong music....smiley - winkeye

Go and try Lisa Gerrad's "Duality" and "Mirror Pool". Any of the three CDs of This Moral Coil (It'll end in Tears // Filigree and Shadow // Blood). Or maybe Mila Mar (Nova // Elfensex). And there's a very nice sampler of male vocals called "Orphee", released by an US label called Project.

I strongly suggest This Mortal Coil's "Filigree and Shadow" (published by 4AD (DAD609CD)) smiley - smiley
If that doesn't move you, you're probably dead smiley - tongueout


How come singers ain't got no soul no more?

Post 7

a girl called Ben

Xanatic, you are a genius!

How come singers ain't got no soul no more?

Post 8

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

they do not have soul any more, because they work in musicfactory instead of loving cozy surrounding.

another one reason is that some artist gets millions of dollars after making a succesfull album and they have to top that with the next album.

the use of software called "protools". "protools', a simply said a computerized recording device, you can make nearly anyone sing by correcting the false note."protools" can be used in studio and live.

some artist worth listing to
Afro Celt Sound System
Peter Garbriel's recordlabel RealWorld
1 Gaint Leap

p.s. "protools" can be used for good things too (general recording and remixing).

How come singers ain't got no soul no more?

Post 9

Knifee, Thingite in charge of stuff you shouldn´t run with. Back from being away

I think half the problem is parents..... if parents stoped giving there 9-15yr old kids so much pocket money then they wouldn´t be able to go out and buy all the new bubble gum sole less pop, and the music industry would -hopefully- stop pumping out rubish designed to part kids from their money.....

How come singers ain't got no soul no more?

Post 10


I think there are still new artists with soul. Alicia Keys springs to mind.

One thing I do hate about modern R&B vocallists is this over the top diva warble. They think its far to basic to follow the songs melody and do scales over the top instead. Prime example, Destinys child reworking of the Bee Gees "Emotion".

How come singers ain't got no soul no more?

Post 11

the autist formerly known as flinch

Anyone looking for soul, who doesn't want old classics crassly rehashed into plastic parodies should check out the last two Tindersticks albums, "Simple Pleasure" and "Can Our Love...". Great musics, real soul but totally origonal. (Don't expect to dance)

How come singers ain't got no soul no more?

Post 12


I think we're in a down period of music. Soon (hopefully) the pendulum will swing the other way, people will realize that the music they're listening to is terrible, and it'll become fashionable to listen to "good" music again. I look forward to that day because then Britney Spears will probably be forced to pose for Playboy to pay her bills.


How come singers ain't got no soul no more?

Post 13


I reckon there's a lot of top quality tunage coming out at the moment.

Starsailor, Linkin Park, Alicia Keys, Muse etc.

How come singers ain't got no soul no more?

Post 14


Linkin Park? Erk.

*awaits Zagreb's arrival*

How come singers ain't got no soul no more?

Post 15


Sorry! Album of the year for me!

How come singers ain't got no soul no more?

Post 16

Mister Matty

Linkin' Park? Don't get me started on Nu Metal.

How come singers ain't got no soul no more?

Post 17

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Petula Clark is gonna release a new one next year ..maybe. Watch out Britney! smiley - biggrin Itsa same ol' same ol' come round again. Soda pop.

Destiny's Child and others are like 'doo-wop' for the new millenium. Do-wop was soul in a 'brotherly' way. If you liked do-wop, listen for the fraternal spirit in things like '..who gonna pay my automobills?'
It ain't that far from the Rays doing 'Silhouettes On the Shade' or 'Under the Boardwalk' by the Coasters. A little social narrative set in a frame of harmonies and rhythm.

But real individual personal soul music is so down and out these days, you havta get down into the streets to hear it anymore. All the old guys are on tour or being produced by young fellas with protools.
And the stars of 2020 are still starving in the gutters.

It's a cyclical thing. smiley - magic

How come singers ain't got no soul no more?

Post 18


Hate the phrase Nu-Metal. Its just rock if you ask me.

How come singers ain't got no soul no more?

Post 19

Mister Matty

The "Nu metal" bands and their ilk do seem similar

The Rap/Rock crossover? Been done by Faith no More and Rage Against the Machine in the early '90s

And Staind? Have they heard Pearl Jam?

How come singers ain't got no soul no more?

Post 20


True. I'm a big fan of Faith No More and Pearl Jam, and I was into them when they were a bit more in spotlight too. I.E. when I was 16. smiley - winkeye But just 'cos they are similar, doesn't mean its not good.

I think Linkin Park is sufficiently different anyway, but it doesn't need to be, it just needs to be good.

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