A Conversation for Ask h2g2

If your life were a movie...

Post 21

a girl called Ben

Scarily interesting question, and one I am finding it really hard to answer.

I think my life is more like a series of sit-coms featuring the same actress in different roles; in the way that Penelope Kieth turned up in The Good Life and To The Manor Born - there is no direct connection between the story, but they feature the same person looking and sounding much the same.

And who would play me? Blimey, that is tough; Emma Thompson used to remind a friend of me; Gina Davis is goofy enough; and someone started a rumour here that I was actually Prunella Scales. smiley - yikes

I would love to be Polly in Fawlty Towers, though. Which does not answer the question of course.

If your life were a movie...

Post 22


I think my life would be a dramaedy (a Hollywood term for a drama/comedy TV show) like Ally McBeal. Every week we could tune in and see what's going wrong with ol' Wampus's life, and commisserate with him about his lack of success with love. Except it would be a lot more boring than Ally McBeal, which isn't to say that that show is exciting in and of itself.

People tell me I look like Keanu Reeves. I think we both have the same dull "Uhhh..." expression, and sometimes I feel as stupid as he always seems to be.


If your life were a movie...

Post 23

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

i thought this thread died agaes ago.....

well, according to the kids at school (this is a while ago mind) i looked exactly like plain-jane-super-brain out of nieghbours. then the next year i also looked like phoebe out of neighbours. this was before friends so not even the name was cool.

so i guess either one of them could play me.

and what would it be about........well, nothing really.

i dont do much except play on the internet.

so it would be a REAAAAAAAAALLY slow version of the film with sandra bullock in (was it called the net or something) with the cast of neighbours playing me anf absolutley no technical accuracy whatso ever beause i only know the barest minimum about computers


If your life were a movie...

Post 24

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

My life story would be a computer-generated sequel to "Hellzapoppin'", as it would have been if directed by Ingmar Bergman, with Ole Olsen playing my public persona, and Chic Johnson playing my "internal dialogue". Featuring, of course, a dream sequence inspired by Salvador Dali, based around the black-and-white painting he produced when the BBC comissioned him to introduce their colour television service... smiley - weird

If your life were a movie...

Post 25

Tilly - back in mauve

Oh, I can see it: Tilly - the movie! smiley - bigeyes

I know, if the audience consisted just of that kind of people who yells to the actors in the movie, 98 % would howl out something like "Get over it!!" many times during the movie about my life...smiley - winkeye

Oh, and I actually once asked my classmates which actor would be a nice portayer of me, and I got the answer: Elijah Wood!smiley - huh (Surely, if you'd convince him to play a girl...)

If your life were a movie...

Post 26

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

Someone told me I looked like Harry Potter, so Daniel Radcliffe would be a possibility, especially once my life actually gets going after a 19 year long slow start. But then again, one of my friends keeps comparing me to Roland Rat...

If your life were a movie...

Post 27

Dr. Acephalos Fotticapra - come to The Clinik at A674651

I would be played by Sean Connery, with a Greek accent. Due to the prohibitive cost and time required to train Sean Connery to speak with a Greek accent, this movie will never be made.

If your life were a movie...

Post 28

Captain Kebab

If Sean Connery was playing a Greek it would be a Greek with a Scottish accent.

A film of my life? Well it would have to involve the cast of the Muppets. Animal (the drummer) would be best to play me. Or maybe Fozzie Bear. Depends on my mood.

If your life were a movie...

Post 29

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - smiley

Ally McBeal.
We have the same kind of love-life, but that's all.

She has none of my problems.

Who would play me?
Julia Roberts.

smiley - laugh

If your life were a movie...

Post 30

Nbcdnzr, the dragon was slain, and there was much rejoicing

A movie of my life eh? A bit premature but ok.

There would be a teeny tiny bit of Fritz the cat (cartoon about a cat who drinks an gets high and laid all the time), okay minus the sex.

The beginning would be something like a coming of age movie, you know the French or Scandinavian type.

The final bit would be about someone going to college, not that anyone would want to see. Although it would end with an unanswered romance with a close friend, so that could be made interesting.

I think Matt Damon could play me, yeah.

If your life were a movie...

Post 31

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

I suspect that any film that resembled my life would be one cliché after another.

Love Incog.

If your life were a movie...

Post 32


mine would have a scene where they kiss in the garden and there are 2 shooting stars... smiley - starsmiley - star

smiley - smiley I liked that bit. Depending on how it was edited, the movie of my life could be a comedy, a tragedy or a porno, or a really boring show of a little lady doing housework! *giggle*

If your life were a movie...

Post 33


Good question!

I've always loved the film "Mermaids" with Cher as Mrs Flax, a headstrong and independent mother of two girls, who thinks nothing of jumping into her car at the slightest sign of trouble and moving to another town, saying "Life is change".

In fact, at the last house we had a "mermaid" bathroom a bit like the room in the film. Green glittery paint on all the walls, fish stuck all over it and a shell beaded curtain hanging over the bath.
smiley - bluefish (on the move yet again but still looking for her Bob Hoskins)

If your life were a movie...

Post 34

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

If there were a movie...Of my life...Hrm. It would be a cross between the Rocky Horror Picture Show and Alien 3...Lots of singing, dancing, kinky sex games and insane main characters, plus a life lived in a predominantly male environment with lots of swearing and unnameable things living in the cupboards that would eat people...

And it would be like a showing of RHPS too...with full audience participation...smiley - biggrin Popcorn, water pistols, newspapers!

If your life were a movie...

Post 35


It sounds more like the Little Shop of Horrors! smiley - yikes
smiley - bluefish

If your life were a movie...

Post 36

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

Nah. I'm more comparable to Tim Curry/ Frank-N-Furter than Rick Moranis...smiley - laugh

If your life were a movie...

Post 37


It was the predominantly male environment "Feed me! Feed me NOW!"

And unnameable things living in the cupboards that would eat people, that reminded me of TLSofH.

You look better in fishnets?
smiley - bluefish

If your life were a movie...

Post 38

Mu Beta

Call me sad, but I read High Fidelity, and really *envied* the central character, even if he is a bit of a pathetic lowlife. That's what I want to do, run an obscure record shop for the rest of my life and DJ in the evenings.

Adrian Edmundson would play me, as we are similar in appearance and foul-mouthed gratuitousness. The last love of my life was scarily reminiscent of Sissy Spacek in Carrie, so it'd be filmed in 1978 for preference.

Interesting fact that I've just reminded myself of: Carrie Fisher was orginally cast to play Carrie, but she wouldn't do the nude scenes - so she made Star Wars instead...


If your life were a movie...

Post 39

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

I see, I see...*nodnods and laughs* Yes, I look better in fishnets, but the predominantly male environment and things lurking that would eat people are where Alien 3 came in smiley - laugh. It's more like the prison colony in here than it is a flower shop smiley - biggrin

If your life were a movie...

Post 40

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

Will post on behalf of someone who never bothers. Lord Morgan considers his life to be exactly like the cartoon version of Lord of the Rings- 'equal parts porn, humour and s***e.'
My film would be dotted with odd animated interludes exploring inside the characters' minds, and I would play me as one or more of my fictional creations, like a series of sketches. Beautifully costumed of course.

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