A Conversation for The Other Side of the Stargate


Post 1

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

The planet is arboreal, with some natural resources of moderate need by the Goa'uld. The gate is in a clearing near a village enhabited by people decended from the ancient Polish-Lithuanian culture (the ones that took the Teutonic Knights down), oddly enough, they seem to understand whatever language is spoken to them (a-la the later seasons of SG1).


Post 2

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*a squad of Tiamat's Jaffa exit the Stargate, followed by a Squad of Bastet's Jaffa. They fan out and begin to search the area for any signs of use. A pair of Jaffa climb a tree to serve as a lookout*


Post 3

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*One squad of Jaffa reaches a village, the gaurds attempt to stop them and are instantly slain by the Jaffa's staff weapons. The chief of the village meets them in the square and demands to know what they want. The Jaffa request several baskets of food be brought out to them, the Cheif does so, the Jaffa take the food and leave.*


Post 4

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)


Post 5

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*The Gate opens and Col Reefgirl steps out and begins to walk towards the village*


Post 6


*The four commandos accompany her*


Post 7

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)


Post 8



Post 9

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

No problems


Post 10

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

I meant Shiva's Jaffa. I'm tired, stressed and have two papers due in a few days, mind's get'n a little jumbled. smiley - ok


Post 11

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*One of the Jaffa in the trees taps his wrist comunicator, a red light turns on.*

one of the tauri just entered through the gate. She's approaching your position

*The jaffa coming from the villiage hide in the trees along the path, hiding the food they just got under bushes*


Post 12

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*Col Reefgirl carries on walking, not paying much attention, her P-90 is hanging down by her side, she's glad to be out in the fresh air, she hums an old Blues tune as she wanders down the path*


Post 13

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*Colonel Reefgirl carries on humming as she walks down the path to the village, she smiles as it dawns on her as to why she's so happy, it's the sixth anniversary of her divorce being finalised, she raises a two fingered salute skywards, that's for you Grandmother, Ha!! I'm my own woman now, look at me head of a secret project for the American Airforce and I'm a Colonel not that you'd be impressed, all you cared about was how many kids I would have had.
An unwanted memory surfaces, she remembers facing her Grandmother as she was told she had to marry the son of Grandmother's lover Sir John Stirling, no way on earth, she'd shouted was she going to marry a chinless wonder with the personality of cold custard, Grandmother had said if she didn't she'd be cut out of the inheritance and Grandmother would make sure her career as an Astrophysicist in the RAF would die before it had started, so she didn't have much of a choice Grandmother held all the ace's as usual, 3 months after the honeymoon she'd taken her first foriegn posting, being a diplomat her husband Richard had followed her 2 years into the marrage she'd been offered an exchange with the USAF, who needed her expertise for a project called the Stargate Programme, she jumped at the chance it got her out of England and it got her away from Richard, she'd practically begged General West to extend her exchange so she didn't have to go home.
She found a kindred spirit in another officer called Samantha Carter the 2 of them had become firm friends and thanks to thier friendship she had learned to stand up for herself, Grandmother and Sir John had tried to get her recalled to England but she'd used her own influence and some dirty tricks to be secconded to the USAF with all ranks and priveleges, 2 days after Grandmothers funeral she'd filed for divorce and now 6 years later she was strolling through a forest on an alien planet, alone admittedly, there had been a few brief dalliances but nothing serious, but she was free, and freedom was what the war against the Goa'uld was about, every victory was a victory against Grandmother she felt.
With her head in the air she misses the Jaffa watching her as she moves to the village*


Post 14


<smiley - applause>


Post 15

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)


Post 16

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*One of the Jaffa takes careful aim and fire one shot from his Zat at Reefgirl.*


Post 17

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*Which misses, just!, Brought out of her daydream Colonel Reefgirl starts to run for her life, cursing herself for being so stupid, the Jaffa give chase towards the Stargate*


Post 18

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*A single Zat shot hits Reefgirl and lays her out on the steps of the gate*


Post 19

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

smiley - ok

*The Jaffa gather their food back up, the scouts in the trees descend and pick Reefgirl up. They activate the StarGate and exit to Bastet's planet*


Post 20


*The Major exits the portal and runs towards the dial mechanism, kneeling just behaind it. The other commandos run out and form a semi circle around the gate*

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