A Conversation for The Grand Repository Of Knowledge


Post 61

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Tetsuo] The Matrix has you, Skullock. Follow the white convoy.


Post 62


LibraGram-Well, as most of this library's staff is permanent, we have a need for frequent convoys to come with various supplies. Food, water, replacement nuclear cores, that type of thing. Anyway, I was just speaking with one of them in the loading bay, and he says that his ship can give you a lift to somewhere else. He could just drop you off at this little Convoy Stop/Refuelling Center where rides to many other places can be found, or he might be able to take you farther depending on which direction you need to travel in.


Post 63

The Corrupt One

*Inside Kudos's spaceship, some sparks fly up from a generator. A crackling bit of communication flickers out into space:*

*crackfizz* can anyone.. *buzzzz* ...Clinstar... *fizCRACK* ...of fuel, stranded... *fizooop* ...help me!... *VOOM*

*The generator gives out, and Kudos curses vehemently to no one at all.*


Post 64

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

[Lt] We're coming up on a rather sizeable fleet sir

[Yo] Send them the Imperial recognition codes and redirect power to the forward sheilds.

*mumbles to himself about getting the cloaking systems fixed up from the last battle...too late now*

smiley - martiansmile


Post 65


*A message bleeps onto Yo's ship saying that the Imperial recognition codes aren't worth much here and that there had better be a good reason for them to approach the library, else an epic space battle may ensue*


Post 66

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

[Yo]Prepare to bring weapons up to full power and make ready to jam their communications. Lt. put me on visual... here goes nothing...

[Yo] This is Captain Augustus Octavior of the Starship Rothlacon and I hearby formally request formal clearance to deliver much needed supplies to the great Anti-Affy5. We come in peace.

smiley - martiansmile


Post 67


So's Yo just making an incredibly lucky guess as to where AA5's been chilling lately?smiley - silly

*Nearly all of the ion trails leading away from here head straight back to the Convoy Stop. Two of them head out of the Clinstar Expanse, however, heading towards planet Vorticon VI. Meanwhile, the people on the ship are trying to figure out just who the "Great Anti-Affy5 is." In a few moments, the LibraGram appears on the screen in Yo's ship*

LibraGram-Er, hello....we've got absolutely no idea who "Anti-Affy5" is. A scientist named Afgncaap5 was here not too long ago, but he's gone now. Stole a ship that had just been donated to us, so we're going to revoke his membership if we don't receive word on his reasons for why. Ordinarily he'd have had his membership revoked instantly, were his donations to the Repository less substantial. But anyway, as we don't have this person, I'd suggest that you look for him elsewhere instead of just casually tossing your life away by attacking our military fleet.


Post 68

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

I'm entitled to one lucky guess per adventure smiley - winkeye It says so right here in my villian's handbook smiley - biggrin

[Yo] Well if he is no longer present then there is no need for me to deliver these supplies to this location. Good Day!

smiley - martiansmile

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