A Conversation for ARSE Page of Protest

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 281

Fenchurch M. Mercury


You see, kids, stealing fish doesn't pay. Especially if it's just to sautee them at exceedingly high temperatures. Blaming those you trust helps during one of those "Don't Panic" moments. Denying everything is necessary to hold a political office. Getting all of this YK?

Er... YK?


Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 282


eerrrmm....uuhhh..I don't think YK is available for comment at the moment!!!smiley - bigeyes

smiley - fishNM

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 283

Dizzy H. Muffin

Yes I am! That was an SD weapon I used!

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 284

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

whew! I thpught you were dead YK!

Everyone... replace O with P!

Post 285

Dizzy H. Muffin

I'm npt quite dead.

At least, I dpn't think sp.

Everyone... replace O with P!

Post 286


Good thing YK isn't dead! I'm glad. Otherwise who would we schlepp off to Gaol for this heinous offense against the treasury of the City of Virtual London? Get thee unto a nunnery, YK! Oh, I'm sorry, that's one of Shakespear's plays, isn't it? Erm, yeah.

OK YK! It off to the calaboose with ya! :o)

God is truly in his heaven and all is right with the world!

Fenchurch, may I have some more of that deeeelicious tartar sauce?

smiley - fish da Baron
Virtual Vice

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Post 287

Dizzy H. Muffin

Baron, you're a jackarse!

Wait, THAT can't be right...

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Post 288

Fenchurch M. Mercury

*gasps, looks particularly miffed*

YK, To think you said that about my dear, dear Vice! I am APALLED! As Virtual Mayor of London and Empress of the Earth and Moon I hereby annul the privledge of cookies! That's right... NO COOKIES FOR YOU!

*walks away, muttering to self angrily*

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Post 289

Dizzy H. Muffin

Don't worry, I have donuts here! [immediately, everyone present each grabs one] Erm, I /don't/ have donuts here...

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 290

E the mad therapist (..wanna TALK about it?!?)

Spit! Spit!SPit! SPIt! SPIT!


I'm with you there fellas, though I will have to stick with the 25$ minimum as I am as yet but a pauper student of neither wealth nor fame. Would payment as a lump sum to be retrieved from the waiter at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe two aeons in advance be allright?

Don't thtop thpitting boyth!


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Post 291

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Doughnuts? They're... they're not cookies. *sulks, walks away*

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Post 292


Cookies? I got a tote sack full....if ya' want one, yer welcome to 'em!smiley - smiley Choclit chip....they don't go too good with beer!smiley - winkeye


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Post 293

Dizzy H. Muffin

Fascinating. Someone's finally returned to ARSE.

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Post 294


I come back only to find YK using an ALIAS (tryin' to get out of the gaol sentence eh?) and slandering me with accusations of "jackarse". Now what the hell is that? The arse of a jack, I tell you! And I'm not the arse of a jack! I'm a YETI arse!

And doughnuts DEFINATELY aren't as good as COOKIES, so Fenny and I will take some of those NM (and I feel safe speaking for her in this instance, knowing her LOVE of cookies!).

YK- you're a FISH-MONGER!

da Baron

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Post 295

Dizzy H. Muffin

No I'm not. That was weeks ago. Now I'm a Jedi.

And here's the cookies. [Everyone takes one]

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Post 296


Well...hello Baron, long time no see! Welcome back.

I take it you are about to get your "console" up and running again?

If we need more cookies, i've got a stash out in the trunk of Monsys' Dart! I'll bring 'em in, if I need to!smiley - winkeye


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Post 297

Fenchurch M. Mercury

*begins to rock back and forth mechanically, in her own world of happines, muttering "cookies, good, cookies, good, cookies, good" over and over again*

smiley - smiley

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Post 298

Dizzy H. Muffin

Hmm ... maybe ... nah. That wouldn't be nice.

Hm? Oh, bribing you to do my homework for 12,064 cookies. smiley - bigeyes

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Post 299


I worry about you sometimes, Fenny!smiley - winkeye


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Post 300

Dizzy H. Muffin

What does NM stand for?

No, I'm above saying that 1024 times. I did, however, say 1024 sixty-nine times.

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