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Memorable TV moments?

Post 1


What has stuck in your mind from TV programmes?
Eastenders had a well acted, written, programme about Remembrance Sunday last week that nearly brought tears.
I remember, years and years ago, watching a scene which showed the murdered body of a teenager in a documentary called "Jonny Come Home" which kept me awake all night.
.....what has stuck in your mind from a Tv programme?

Memorable TV moments?

Post 2


Did you see the documentary a few years ago about Jamie Bulger? It freaked me out because the boys that killed him are the same age as me.

Memorable TV moments?

Post 3


....although I didn't see the programme, killers of that age are frightening....I also remember watching a programme recently that showed a prison video of a man stabbing another prisoner around 60 times to death.
.....the matter of fact way he talked about it and the man he didn't know who he killed, was scarey, he seemed a true sociopath with no feelings for what he did.

Memorable TV moments?

Post 4


Am watching one now, the woman with half a body, it is an eye opener seriously

Memorable TV moments?

Post 5



The double - episode of ER where Carter and Lucy were stabbed and Lucy died. smiley - cry

Memorable TV moments?

Post 6

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

The last five minutes of the West Wing season 2 finale. I been unable to get that song, Brothers in Arms, out of my head for days now.

Memorable TV moments?

Post 7


Yes, that's a good one too. In fact, all of the West Wing season finales, but probably number one and number four most of all. How many series have you seen, GB?

Memorable TV moments?

Post 8

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

I've seen all the way up to the end of season six now. All the season finales are good, but the second season one is my favourite. I only found it to be an average episode for its first three acts, not what I was expecting considering the build-up of all the previous episodes, but that final act blew me away. smiley - bigeyes

Memorable TV moments?

Post 9


Season 6? smiley - cry I Haven't seen series five yet! I need to find out what happens but I'm getting the dvds for xmas, hopefully.

Memorable TV moments?

Post 10

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Well you may be a little dissapointed with season five; it starts out well but loses momentum after the first few episodes, and it then becomes s sequence of stand-alone episodes which, while good, lack Sorkin's skill. Although its final two episodes are very good. The sixth season also starts out well before going downhill, but about a third of the way through there's a major change that seems to rejuvinate the show, and while it's still not as good as the Sorkin era stuff, it feels far more epic.

Sorry, this isn't the place to talk about this, is it? smiley - erm

Memorable TV moments?

Post 11


Not really. smiley - blushsmiley - sorry everyone!

Memorable TV moments?

Post 12

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

The start of season 2 when Josh got shot and everyone is in the waiting room!smiley - cry

Memorable TV moments?

Post 13


I know!

Memorable TV moments?

Post 14

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

The start of season 2 of Scrubs; the part where JD has a fantasy that Colin Hay is following him around the hospital singing. smiley - weird

Memorable TV moments?

Post 15


Your right that's absolutely hilarious, and then Dr Cox smashes his guitar! Scrubs has so many memmerable momments.

Memorable TV moments?

Post 16


I like Scrubs, but I don't remember that one. smiley - erm

Memorable TV moments?

Post 17


Really?It was first or second season,start of second i think!

Memorable TV moments?

Post 18


I know, GodBen said - maybe I just missed that one.

Memorable TV moments?

Post 19


Ahh meybey. My faverate momment ever...mmm..that's tough..has to go to a particualar moment in the new series of Doctor who, in an episode called the Doctor Dances. The ending just has me in tears!

Memorable TV moments?

Post 20


Doctor Who!!!! Great episode!!! Couldn't remember what it was called.

Is anyone watching Lost??

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