A Conversation for The Penguin Intergalactic Investigation Bureau

The Cheesecake of Death

Post 1021

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

You could try but it wouldnt help you any smiley - tongueout

The Cheesecake of Death

Post 1022

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

This is workplace prejudice! I should report you!

smiley - ghost

The Cheesecake of Death

Post 1023

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

It's terribly dusty in here, where did everyone go?

Well, while there's no one around...

*Puts pavlova down on table and leaves*

I'm also going to have to stop talking to myself

smiley - geek

The Cheesecake of Death

Post 1024

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

*tears through wall and dives at pavlova*

MINE!!! smiley - grr

smiley - cheesecake

The Cheesecake of Death

Post 1025

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

*expressionless* Oh no, that's mine. Please don't eat my nanite-filled hightly experimental pavlova. That would be terrible...

smiley - geek

The Cheesecake of Death

Post 1026

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

Sorry, all I heard was "don't eat" and "pavlova", and with that, I lose interest.


smiley - cheesecake

The Cheesecake of Death

Post 1027

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

*presses big red button on remote control labeled "Activate Nanites"*

The Cheesecake of Death

Post 1028

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

Uuugh, I feel weird, I'm going to bed...

smiley - cheesecake

The Cheesecake of Death

Post 1029

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

*Uses remote control nanites to sleep-walk Inter back*

You will give me the recipe for smiley - pggbsmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - alesmiley - bubbly

The Cheesecake of Death

Post 1030

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

Jedi mind tricks don't work on me...

smiley - cheesecake

The Cheesecake of Death

Post 1031

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

These are nanite-mind-tricks. They should work.

Okay, let's try something else smiley - evilgrin

Dance, Dance for my amusement

smiley - geek

The Cheesecake of Death

Post 1032

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

*starts dancing*

I'm not doing this because you told me to! I just remembered a really catchy song!

smiley - cheesecake

The Cheesecake of Death

Post 1033

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

riiiight, I totally believe you

Now fetch my pavlova

smiley - evilgrin

The Cheesecake of Death

Post 1034

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

I really want some pavlova now and am feeling really generous! Sorry Persephone, did you say something?

*runs to the kitchen*

smiley - cheesecake

The Cheesecake of Death

Post 1035

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

Something must be terribly wrong with this experiment... it seems to have worked!

smiley - geek

The Cheesecake of Death

Post 1036

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

*kicks through a wall, holding a fire axe, with milky, white eyes*

Peerssssephooneeee, I have a pavvlooova for yooouuu!


smiley - cheesecake

The Cheesecake of Death

Post 1037

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

*Falls back looking really tired*

*finally hits buttons to deactivate nanites*

Phew... It feels like we've been fighting for years.

smiley - geek

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