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Not so much a bust as a deflation...

Post 621

Noggin the Nog

Looks like it's Plan E.

Don't know whether to smiley - laugh or smiley - cry.

But we're going to have a good time anyway.


Not so much a bust as a deflation...

Post 622



smiley - cross Those two haven't stopped laughing for the past hour or so.

Yeah well, I'll show them. I'll come up with a Plan Eeeee! that will knock their socks off - so there!


The Magical Mystery Tour

Post 623


So we did it - there and back again - and it was wonderful!

I decided to plan a 'magical mystery tour' for zoomer, which meant we got into the car on Monday morning and I gave him directions on where to go without him knowing what our destination was going to be (well, he did know we'd be spending the night in Bolonia).

It was great fun. A combination tour of Los Pueblos Blancos (white villages) and beach places on La Costa de la Luz.

We started off in Arcos de la Frontera - beautiful white village. Then off to my favourite beach Conil for a gorgeous lunch right on the beach (on the Costa de la Luz). From there we took a little beach road that follows the coast and stopped of at Trafalgar and CaƱos de Meca before stopping in Bolonia for the night.

There we had cold beer at a little beach bar before heading off for dinner and had the most amazing grilled squid and other wonderful things. Slept at a ovely beach-front two-bedroom apartment place and next morning went off to see the Roman ruins there before heading out on day two of the tour.

First stop Tarifa - the southern most point of Spain with great views of Africa. Then on to a wee village called San Roque with a fab view of the-place-that-shall-not-be-named smiley - winkeye . We found a very pretty square to stop for a cold beer with the most amazing little hotel attached to the bar, so took some photos there. Then a bit of a drive along the Mediterranean coast (the dreaded Costa del Sol) before heading up to the mountains.

Took very scary (for me) winding, wiggly road up the mountain to Ronda. Home of the oldest bullring in Spain and an amazingly beautiful gorge. We had lunch first before looking around and then headed off to Grazalema, yet another pretty white village. Then drove through a few more white villages on our way back home. We finally arrived home about 10pm, totally exhausted but very very happy. smiley - smiley

So here are my photos. I've separated them into Seville mini meet photos and started a new album for the mystery tour.

More photos to follow once zoomer gets home and organises his stuff. smiley - ok


The Magical Mystery Tour

Post 624


smiley - magic


The Magical Mystery Tour

Post 625


Just letting everyone know that I made some changes to the mini meet photo album - it now includes photos of every hootooer who has visited here so far. smiley - smiley

Also want to let people know that Nog and I are thinking of organising another weekend meet in September - if anyone is interested just let us know.


The Magical Mystery Tour

Post 626


Another photo update. My Sevilla photo album was getting a bit unwieldy at over 300 photos so I have moved them over to a Sevilla folder on Fotki with seven different albums (so far), making it a bit more user-friendly.

This means all the URLs have changed so old links won't work anymore. But here is the new link to the folder for anyone who is interested. smiley - smiley


The Magical Mystery Tour

Post 627


It's been a year now since you guys were here. The orange blossom is out again, there are sunny skies and the air is warm and spring-like ... just missing a few friends to go out for tapas with.

smiley - smiley


The Magical Mystery Tour

Post 628


I was just thinking that at the weekend.

I tell almost everyone I meet what a fab place Sevilla is.

Mind you, I only tell a selected few about my internet weirdo friends smiley - tongueout

The Magical Mystery Tour

Post 629

You can call me TC

It occurred to me at the weekend, too, that it was a whole year ago. Where did the time go?

The Magical Mystery Tour

Post 630


Us too! Mainly because we were biking round the rolling hills of Donegal in glorious sunshine, on the weekend that we'd missed last year cos we were in Seville....

Hmmm, Guinness or tapas - tough choice.smiley - tongueout

The Magical Mystery Tour

Post 631

clzoomer- a bit woobly

smiley - sadfacesmiley - cry Waaaaaa! I wanna go back!!!

Az and Nog, I was on the *Seabus* early this morning with the waves reflecting the early sun and I decided you two have to come visit me one summer if I don't get back there first. Either way, now I just have to win the lottery... smiley - smiley

The Magical Mystery Tour

Post 632

Noggin the Nog

You can always get Guinness at the Irish pub here, and have tapas too smiley - smiley.

I guess if you win the lottery Zoomer, you can come here. If we win it first, we can go there. I even found it on the map - just beyond "Here there be Dragons". smiley - winkeye


The Magical Mystery Tour

Post 633


For those of you who might not have seen this, I've started an 'azahar's sevilla' page on my blog...

And the tapas and restaurants page will surely bring back a few tasty memories...


The Magical Mystery Tour

Post 634

R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- )

This doesn't especially belong here, but since it's a way to reach a lot of my old H2G2 friends, I thought I'd post it here anyway. Hope no one minds: -- A prank a friend and I did on the freshman physics class last week. Notice what the sign says....

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