This is the Message Centre for wysiwyger

Girly chitchat

Post 1


If this ends up where I think it will, then all will be clear. If not - well, we'll deal with that when it happens!

Girly chitchat

Post 2

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Did it end up where you expected?

Girly chitchat

Post 3


Hello Hazel,

We were pirates together on the Soaps board and argued most viciferously over the merits (or not) of Gail Hillman. I pop onto MC-H occasionally and my sister posts there.

I also post on here, but haven't been around for a while (PC probs etc).

Girly chitchat

Post 4


Yes! I had been looking for a "Start new conversation" button and discovered how to begin talking to yourself.

I thought you might want to keep the "Is this..." thread for - well, for what you've always used it for, so I started this one for any overflow! But - what do I know - I'm new here.

Girly chitchat

Post 5


Hi Sarnia,

yes I remember you, and the Soaps raid - it was a lot of fun. I really enjoy that sort of thing as I have a mental age of 9.

Hope your PC probs are sorted now.

Girly chitchat

Post 6


I enjoy that sort of thing too, Hazel and enjoyed the food board raid (think you were there also) when William Norton and I were discussing the merits of cultiviating a wild Marmite patch.

PC ok-ish. Flamin' ISP charges 1p a minute now (living in Guernsey we don't get much choice - Broadband has arrived sort of, but only one company provides it and apparently the service is dreadful and there is a long waiting list).

Many thanks btw for your timely advice to me back in November, on the urgency of getting my Christmas sprouts on. They were delicious by the the time 25th Dec came around!

Girly chitchat

Post 7

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

//I have a mental age of 9//

Uh oh, we've got a relative genius amongst us!

Girly chitchat

Post 8


Shut up Max!

You smell!

Sarnia (mental age of 2)

Girly chitchat

Post 9

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Have you noticed how Bushy kindly always puts his age on his ID... Bushwhack'd(5) !

Girly chitchat

Post 10


LOL Max, yes I have, but that is in months surely, not years.

Girly chitchat

Post 11

The Magster

Hello Girly's and male interlopers too. A quick visit because I have to go do girly things like shave my moustache etc. I find two days growth scares the other mom's in the playground.

Girly chitchat

Post 12


Hi Magster,

If that's the case, don't shave it! Nothing so empowering as being the cause of terror amongst the other Mas in a school playground...

Girly chitchat

Post 13


Afternoon ladies (and Paul)

Just popped in to say that I know where to find you now.

Always a pleasure to indulge in a spot of social intercourse with you, Hazel smiley - smiley

Film recommendation of the week: "Monsoon Wedding" was on Film 4 on Sunday and it one of the best films I seen for ages. Bit girlie (it's about a wedding, after all...) Try and find it at your local Blockbuster. Film recommendation over.

Er - carry on.

Girly chitchat

Post 14

Pat Pending

Only browsing, but now am intrigued re Sarnia's 'My sister posts on MC-H'. Who she then?

Girly chitchat

Post 15



You're welcome to 'infiltrate' at any time. See how I've bustled in on Hazel's thread and taken over? Sorry, Hazel!

Girly chitchat

Post 16


She's not been posting that long Pat, but has lurked for a while. The funny thing is it was only a couple of weeks ago that we realised that we both post on the BBC boards. She lives in Hong Kong so posts at odd times.

She's Alyssia B (not her real name - bit of a poncy name I think!)

Girly chitchat

Post 17


Sarnia - don't worry about taking over the thread - post what you want!

(ps you may want to think about baking you HotXBuns fairly soon though, so they can develop that delicious stale soggy texture in good time for Easter).

Girly chitchat

Post 18

Dr. Strangegloves

Hello girls,

I understand that we have to come over here to prove our credentials as new men.

In the spirit of the conversation, and to empathise more with the sufferings of my sisters, can I ask a question? Why the fascination with knickers that must feel so far up your crack that you permanently feel you'e being thrown out of a nightclub?

Girly chitchat

Post 19

The Magster

Doctor smiley - smiley Not me, not guilty. Tried 'em couldn't possibly do it again. Back to me navy blue school knickers now.

Girly chitchat

Post 20

The Magster

Hazel, thanks for that tip. I'm off to do it now. I remember your sprout advice too. I think I undercooked mine bceause it was a bout a week later after you said, that I put them on. I will not ignore your advice again.

I take it that the girly board will do nights and weekends, not like those work shy boys, who only post when they are supposed to be at w**k smiley - smiley

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