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memory lane

Post 1921


Quote" Posted 4 Hours Ago by Sho
I used to listen to a radio station that was nearly but not quite on top of (I think) Luxembourg. But I can't remember now!"

I think it was Medium wave 208, as I remember listening to the top 20 show on Sunday nights, on my little tranny under the bed clothessmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

memory lane

Post 1922

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi smudger
we have a speaker on the windowsill, with a dail thing on the wall with, 1 2 3 4 .
at the time it was british relay,
1 was radio one till about 12 midnight, then lux from then, so i didnt ever here it except for weekend if i was lucky, i was about 17 at the time.smiley - dragon jim

memory lane

Post 1923


Radio 1 started around 1965 if I remember correctly, there was no Pop Music station really, until then? Then Radio Caroline and Luxembourg started up as pirate radio stationssmiley - ok
smiley - cheersSmudger.

memory lane

Post 1924

Sho - employed again!

oh yes! 208.
I used to get a teen-mag called Fab 208 (used to be Fabulous 208 but that was before my time)

Blimey - those were the days!

memory lane

Post 1925

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

when the type of radio you mentioned first came out, you needed an acumilator to work iit, like a small battery,that had to be taken to a shop and recharged, while you had one on the radio.
smiley - dragon jim

memory lane

Post 1926


you proberly had a clockwork radio thats how long age it was
i think radio 1 start in 68 and it was fab 208
ok pop pickers

memory lane

Post 1927

Sho - employed again!

Blimey - I'm glad I'm a child of the transistor age!

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