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memory lane

Post 1401

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I am happier with my teeth out. The replacements are nicer too!smiley - biggrin
So.....I guess that makes teeth a memory for some of ussmiley - laugh

memory lane

Post 1402


that's a good memory,, teeth out, i had some out when i was 18,, the back ones, never had them replaced,, managed quite well with the ones that are left,.... my dentist said, now a days they prefer to save teeth, rather than pull them out, so if i was 18 now, they probly would all still be mine,, never mind, can't change the past smiley - wow 18 again now thats another memory.. smiley - cool

memory lane

Post 1403


I must admit i'm happier with my teeth out as well,and the bottom ones were never any good to mesmiley - biggrin.of course it didnt do them any good when my little dog ate them,but i never use them ,so it wasn't a major disaster!!!!

memory lane

Post 1404


Sal, hi, that made me laugh, about the dog, i remeber when jim &i got engaged,, all those years ago,, we had a do, then jim took dad home, he was worse for wear with the drink,, (must ave been glad he was finally getting rid of me) we all walked home i was with mum and my brothers jim was helping dad, we left him down stairs on the settee, with his teeth in,, he must have coughed in the night, and lost his teeth in the morning we was all woken up with dad shouting, were's my B....Y teeth, we found them in the dog's basket,, he had chewed them,, dad's face was a picture,,, and the poor dog had to hide ,till he had calmed down,,, he scrubbed em and put them back in, so he could eat,, we thought it was funny,, dad did not,,, just as well jim was used to us,, we often ave a laugh about it...

memory lane

Post 1405

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

you'd think that dogs have enough teeth without nickin' off with other people's... smiley - laugh
apparently it's quite common....

my botton set are grinning in a pot on a shelf in the kitchen.... smiley - biggrin

smiley - tea

memory lane

Post 1406


smiley - laugh Just had a wee smiley - laugh there, about the dog chewing his teeth!!
He should be glad that he wasnt wearing them at the timesmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

A mate of mine, many years ago now, had a stag night on his last night of freedom (as we sailors are prone to do?)

He was sick in the bog at the pub, and lost his teeth down the pan???

You should have seen his wedding picturessmiley - laughsmiley - laughSmile please!!!!smiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1407


you wil have to make sure no dogs smiley - dogs pinch them smiley - biggrin as
they are partial to teeth, so best keep them in the smiley - empty glass ... smiley - dogsmiley - empty glass smiley - biggrin
And huh losing them down the pan i bet his bride was not to pleased,, with the wedd photoes....smiley - biggrin

memory lane

Post 1408


the day we got married hubbys mum lost her teeth,at the night reception!!She stayed at my mothers house that night,and couldn't find them anywhere next morningThe best man had brought them to our house on our wedding night,well,at two in the morning!!He had found them on the steps!!!smiley - biggrin

memory lane

Post 1409

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

teeth eh.... smiley - rofl

my father-in-law, (gawd bless him) was once on a fishin' trip with his mates.... he felt queezy and was sick over the side of the boat.... yeah you guessed it, he lost his nashers..... as a prank one of his mates took his teeth out, washed 'em, and set off a joke... someone else said they'd rescued the teeth.... F-I-L put teeth in his mouth but obviously they didn't fit, so he flung them overboard, saying "these are not my f**kin teeth"......
needless to say there was two toothless fishermen going home.... smiley - rofl

memory lane

Post 1410


my mother -in -law always had a habit of taking her teeth out while she she was in bingo,and a couple of months before we got married she had been out,and decided to clear her handbag out when she got home!!Can you imagine her face when she threw a tisue on the open fire,with her teeth wrapped inside it,smiley - biggrinAll we could do was watch as they melted....needless to say she had get new ones before the wedding!!!She still takes them out to eat!!!

memory lane

Post 1411


i bet ur motherin laws face was a picture,, smiley - biggrin lets hope she does not do it again.. it can be expensive,, dentist dont come cheap......smiley - biggrin.....
well i have to pack my case now,,,it is that time of year again when i am smiley - surfering i will have to watch out for the smiley - sharksmiley - surfersmiley - shark so i will say bye for now see you in 2 weeks,,, i got to smiley - run now byeeeeeee smiley - surfer

memory lane

Post 1412


Thank you all for your kind words and some of the memories made me smile (ouch) been the dentist got 2 abcess so got antibotics he wanted to take the tooth out! under local no chance! i need to be knocked out am petrified of dentists too many bad memories when i was young has got me that way the person who does the knock outs is on hol and then when he is back my dentist go's on hol so he cant treat me for two months <:@( so will have to put up with it does anyone have old remedys? have tried warm salt water rinses , brandy mouth rinse, cloves, and clove oil, hot water bottle wrapped in a wooly scarf, adult bonjela, ? do you know of anymore i could try ? xd

memory lane

Post 1413

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

BLESSED BE... smiley - peacedove

memory lane

Post 1414


what a shame loverly man liked him in aur f(cant spell it ) pet smiley - rose d

memory lane

Post 1415


aw,how sad.I liked him too,he was a lovely man,and a good actor.smiley - rosesmiley - peacedovessadly missed.

memory lane

Post 1416

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

one bright and gentle smiley - star shining in the heavens.... smiley - peacedove

memory lane

Post 1417

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I did not have the pleasure of knowing who that is.
smiley - rose

memory lane

Post 1418

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Sadly another memorandem....... smiley - rose

SACHA DISTEL passed today aged 71yrs... smiley - peacedove

smiley - musicalnote "Raindrops keep falling om my head...... " smiley - musicalnote

Keep singing in the heavenly choir Sacha.. Blessed be......

memory lane

Post 1419


My late sister-in-law loved Sacha, she asked me to go and see him with her some years ago when he came to Wolverhampton ,he was a lovely charming man, I did not realise he was 71,such a great smile.......R. I. P.

memory lane

Post 1420

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

evening san... smiley - hug
he wore his age well it seems... he was a true ladies man, and yes he did have quite an enchanting smile....
he'd been ill for some while it seems.... smiley - sadface

maybe your sis-in-law will get her own private concert now... that's a lovely thought to imagine.... smiley - rose

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