A Conversation for Random Quotes Guild-Lurking Where All Fine Quotes are Quoted

Favorite Quote?

Post 561


"Are you taking the p**s?"
- Mark Radcliffe when his band The Family Mahone was called back for a second encore.

Favorite Quote?

Post 562

Ocean Soul (registered Linux user 390755)

"I'm not a grockle" from West Country car bumper stickers. Must persuade my Dad to get one actually.

Favorite Quote?

Post 563

Researcher 113899

"Its a hundred and 6 miles to Chicahgo. We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, its dark and we're wearing Sun Glasses."

"Hit it"

Favorite Quote?

Post 564

Researcher 113899

Some of Murphy's Laws (Must be a few articles on H2G2 with them on)

1. Do look important. It draws fire. (Expansion on this rule, Aircraft Carriers = Bomb magnets)

2. Do not Draw fire, it irrates the people around you.

3. Never stand when you can sit, never sit when you can lie down and never stay awake when you can sleep (What I have lived my life like).

4. If the attack is going well, its a trap.

5. The enemy diverson you are ignoring, is their main thrust.

A quote I read, on refering to why a Sargeant received 3 Purples hearts.

"I got them for being stupid. Look at it this way. ALL that space, and I got to be in the same place as a itty, widdy, liddle bullet"

Favorite Quote?

Post 565

Researcher 113899

Some of Murphy's Laws (Must be a few articles on H2G2 with them on)

1. Do look important. It draws fire. (Expansion on this rule, Aircraft Carriers = Bomb magnets)

2. Do not Draw fire, it irrates the people around you.

3. Never stand when you can sit, never sit when you can lie down and never stay awake when you can sleep (What I have lived my life like).

4. If the attack is going well, its a trap.

5. The enemy diverson you are ignoring, is their main thrust.

A quote I read, on refering to why a Sargeant received 3 Purples hearts.

"I got them for being stupid. Look at it this way. ALL that space, and I got to be in the same place as a itty, widdy, liddle bullet"

Favorite Quote?

Post 566

Evil Zombie Strider

I believe that is a derivitave of the Mark Twain quote: "A man is a fool who will walk when he can stand, stand when he can sit, and sit when he can lie down"

smiley - footprints

Favorite Quote?

Post 567

Dorian Gray

Good one strider. I like "The problem with people is they don't care. So I don't care about people."
Brad Pitt (seven)

heart of Darkness

Favorite Quote?

Post 568

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

I'm surprised nobody's mentioned * THE * Dirty Harry line

This is a 47 Magnum, the most powerful hand gun in the world, it'll blow your head clean off. The question you've gotta ask yourself is: Do I feel lucky - well do ya, punk?

Bassman smiley - cool

Favorite Quote?

Post 569

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

I'm surprised nobody's mentioned * THE * Dirty Harry line

This is a 47 Magnum, the most powerful hand gun in the world, it'll blow your head clean off. The question you've gotta ask yourself is: Do I feel lucky - well do ya, punk?

Bassman smiley - cool

Favorite Quote?

Post 570

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

'I caan speek Eengleesh. I leern it frrom a boook.'
Manuel, 'Fawlty Towers'

Favorite Quote?

Post 571

The Theory

"I want a stalker..."
from a song by The Deadlines...


Favorite Quote?

Post 572

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

smiley - musicalnoteThere's no shame in going out of stylesmiley - musicalnote
A song (can't remember which) by Gomez

Favorite Quote?

Post 573

The Theory

"And they shall mount up with wings as eagles." Isaiah 40:31


Favorite Quote?

Post 574

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

I think you're confusing threads now. If you were going to start quoting songs, it ought to have been here, whereas religious stuff is on the other thread. *Rolls eyes*

Favorite Quote?

Post 575

The Theory

kiloton \'ke-lo-,ten\ n 1:1000 tons 2:an explosive force equivalent to that of 1000 tons of TNT


Favorite Quote?

Post 576

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

'Responsable Financier/Paying Agent: ASOCIACION DEPORTIVA BANESTO'
Ibanesto.com trade team sheet

Favorite Quote?

Post 577

The Theory

"Out from the marsh, from the foot of misty
Hills and bogs, bearing God's hatred,
Grendel came, hoping to kill..."
from the epic poem Beowulf, trans. by Burton Raffel


Favorite Quote?

Post 578


"No-one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century that human affairs were being watched from the timeless whirls of space. No-one could have dreamed that we were being scrutinised as someone with a microscope studies creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. Few men even considered the possibility of life on other planets and yet, across the gulf of space minds immeasurbaly superior to ours regarded this earth with envious eyes and slowly, and surely, they drew their plans against us."

"Broadsword to Danny Boy."

Spot the connection and win a Kewpie Doll!



Favorite Quote?

Post 579


Dogs look up to you, cats look down on you, but pigs is equal.

Favorite Quote?

Post 580

The Theory

That's a good one...


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