A Conversation for Random Quotes Guild-Lurking Where All Fine Quotes are Quoted

Every Half-Decent Quote You've Ever Seen or Heard?

Post 541

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

Who's E*SO?

Every Half-Decent Quote You've Ever Seen or Heard?

Post 542

The Theory

what's e*so... a band...


Every Half-Decent Quote You've Ever Seen or Heard?

Post 543

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

Ahhh ... bands.

Every Half-Decent Quote You've Ever Seen or Heard?

Post 544


Like J.Lo, but chinese.

Stesmiley - stout

Every Half-Decent Quote You've Ever Seen or Heard?

Post 545

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

Makes sense.

Every Half-Decent Quote You've Ever Seen or Heard?

Post 546

The Theory

'cept jlo sux...


Every Half-Decent Quote You've Ever Seen or Heard?

Post 547

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

You wish.

Every Half-Decent Quote You've Ever Seen or Heard?

Post 548

The Theory

jlo does...


Every Half-Decent Quote You've Ever Seen or Heard?

Post 549

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

How about this one from our very own Gary Lineker

"Football is a simple game, 22 men chase a ball around and after 90 minutes, the Germans win"

(or something close)

Bassman smiley - cool

Every Half-Decent Quote You've Ever Seen or Heard?

Post 550

The Theory

Welp, that depends on what kind of so-called football you are talking about, doesn't it?


Every Half-Decent Quote You've Ever Seen or Heard?

Post 551

Witty Ditty

...ah, but with recent events, it's a bit out of date now smiley - winkeye

'I know that at the BBC we're meant to be imapartial, but (clenches fist) 'YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS''
-Gary Lineker (after the 5-1 win at Munich)

Every Half-Decent Quote You've Ever Seen or Heard?

Post 552

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

In football, you've got to put in the effort. If the effort isn't there, there's no point getting up at the end of the day."
Gareth Southgate

"When I saw Ade score, the first thing I wanted to do was ring him on his mobile. Then I realized that he wouldn't be able to pick it up because he was on the pitch."
A friend of Ade Akinbiyi (Leicester City) after he scored his first goal of the season.

Every Half-Decent Quote You've Ever Seen or Heard?

Post 553

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Here's a few from my Physics teacher at school - Mr S Rowley (In reference to passing "O" Level exams)

1. Don't just sit there (get on with it).

2. Draw a dirty big diagram.

3. You Don't Get 'Owt For Nowt.

Wise words indeed. He was a great source of inspiration and coul make the dryest of subjects fun.

Bassman smiley - cool

Every Half-Decent Quote You've Ever Seen or Heard?

Post 554

The Theory

"You get your record played on the radio, radio brings people to your shows, and you sell a s**tload of albums! That's pretty much it in a nutshell." -Ryan Peake (Nickelback) on becoming famous...


Every Half-Decent Quote You've Ever Seen or Heard?

Post 555

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

That's not a knife - THIS is a knife.

Crocodile Dundee (Paul Hogan)

Bassman smiley - cool

Every Half-Decent Quote You've Ever Seen or Heard?

Post 556


'That's not a knife - that's a spoon!'
Lisa Simpson (I think, but definately one of the Simpsons...)
BCNU - Crescent

Every Half-Decent Quote You've Ever Seen or Heard?

Post 557

Ocean Soul (registered Linux user 390755)

"That's not a knife - THIS is a kinife"
"Really - THIS is a crossbow"
from The Last Continent by Terry Pratchett

Every Half-Decent Quote You've Ever Seen or Heard?

Post 558

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

'Diagrams are your friends.'
Mr Gardener, my late economics teacher

Favorite Quote?

Post 559


"Yeah!" (the stupidly exhausted man pretending to look after my kids and lots of other kids at the local BMX/skate... park where they had a party the other night)

Favorite Quote?

Post 560

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

We have the first snowflake, now let's build a blizzard

DNA - in his welcome message....


Bassman smiley - cool

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