This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Is this........

Post 1261


never...not without her permission!..ask her

besides I've left it under my pillow at home...

oh Pur-LEEEEEESE what a old mushy girls blouse I am

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Post 1262

Ani K

brad anwser my question in my homepage!

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Post 1263

Doctor Strangegloves

Blimey...quiet today.

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Post 1264


Yes... I'm waiting for that twot, johnston, to answer so I can jumnp all over him!

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Post 1265

Doctor Strangegloves

Strangely enough there's a reticence to reveal his sources...I expect he will post when everyone's gone home!

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Post 1266

Ani K u work bush?....

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Post 1267


Not so much w**k as "attend" Ani! Why do you ask?

P.S. Brad is keeping that pic to himself so can I ask if you'll bung me a copy when nobody is looking?

[email protected]


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Post 1268

Ani K

just curious bush. thats all. As for the pic no I won't be sending you 1. =)

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Post 1269


Eh? Why, what's wrong with you?

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Post 1270

Doctor Strangegloves

Bushy, don't worry mate...Brad lives down the road from me in Brighouse, so I've been round his house (despite the restraining order) and nicked it - check your email, all.

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Post 1271

Ani K

nothin' wrong with me bush!

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Post 1272


What the blazes is doug deep waffling on about now? And why is kenr turning the Board into crap poetry corner?

Who am I?

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Post 1273


Thanks for that Doc! No wonder she wouldn't send it herself! ...

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Post 1274

Doctor Strangegloves

Doug has obviously spent too many cold nights shouting outside asylum seekers' accommodation. The cold has restricted the flow of blood to his head.

I imagine Kenr as a small, elderly scottish bloke in a pringle jumper, sat at his desk with a wire-haired terrier that smells of wet carpets by his knee. I don't think he's got much else to do, but I haven't the heart to tell him his poetry doesn't scan.

Off home shortly...see you tomorrow...Brad don't hit me when you get the photo...Bushy made me do it, honest.

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Post 1275

Ani K

which pic u refering too bush?

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Post 1276

Pat Pending

ij's source will, of course, be the OED: it always is isn't it?

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Post 1277


S'later Doc!

I imagined pooter has rather miserable elderly man with nothing much to do, but rather than a dog smelling of wet carpet at his knee, it's his knee or rather his trousers smelling of wet carpet! Keep that thought with for the rest of the day my friend! It's on me ...

Ani, the pic with you wearing a little sparkly number ... Yes, I think you know the one don't you Missy?

Is this........

Post 1278


Has anyone noticed that Pat always turns up when Strangegloves walks out? Do you really think we're as stupid as Louis Lane or what?

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Post 1279

Ani K

lol...brad doesn't have that 1! he has the 1 where im in a feather boa only with my hair down.

Is this........

Post 1280


Quick everyone, help a poor drug taking sinner out on the "" board before it (and me) gets binned!

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