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Post 4441


There we are chaps, the "Fi Glover Fightback" has begun in earnest!


Post 4442

Pat Pending

Good one Bushy: I see you've got La Bendle on your tail though..............


Post 4443


Excellent! This might be fun, I suspect that Dr Strangehats may not be long for this world though?


Post 4444


I see Bendle is a "Fi Devotee"!

He's always defending her and uses quotes when describing Campbell! Wonder if Campbell booted him on the way through the BBC servants quarters on morning? Perhaps I should ask?


Post 4445

Pat Pending

Yes: perhaps you should. smiley - whistle


Post 4446



And I see Brad is on the case too as well now with the good Father Ches! Have we ever had an open bust-up with a Mod? Anyway, I thought they were impartial?


Post 4447

Pat Pending

I'm going to try getting pulled for using too much latin (I've got a Dictionary of Latin Tags and Phrases at my side) and then accuse them of being anti-educationalists.


Post 4448


What does your post mean Pat?


Post 4449


Using too much Latin? Erm ... You wicked child! smiley - erm

Why not call Bender for "w**king too hard for Glover"? smiley - whistle


Post 4450

Pat Pending

Mine to you Bushy means (according to my Big Book of Latin), 'laughter succeeds where lecturing doesn't', so it's vaguely on topic.

My most recent to Fr Chas means 'the devil finds work for idle hands', but I just wanted to get the last 4 letters in because I'm childish.


Post 4451


Can you believe it? The Noddyrators are deleting the "Civil Disobedience" thread now ... I thought I was relatively well behaved on that one and nobody else kicked off did they?


Post 4452

Pat Pending

OK Bushy, point taken that my plan isn't exactly the most radical ever, but a wind up's a wind up, especially if I can claim I was on topic. Mind you, they'll just pull the whole thread, won't they?


Post 4453


You're too brainy for me mate! I haven't got a clue what you are on about now? I like the "idle hands" bit, very subtle!


Post 4454


Pat your being dinged my reply appersed as a new discussion!

Bushy go to google and look uo 'latin phrases' and play it by ear, like I do...but don't tell Pat I have no idea what it means either


Post 4455


don't worry Bushy its a cyclist thing , you lard assed drivers won't understand


Post 4456


"Lard assed"? I am as fit as a lop mate!

What about this?

Father, forgive me for I have sinned! It has been 6 weeks since my last confession.

Father, it's the same problem again I am afraid. I am having lewd thoughts a woman at work! Everytime she "wofts" by in the corridor I begin thinking the most outrageous things. When people suggest she is less than perfect I become angry and upset then, I tend to lash out!

I know I have devoted myself to our lord, Campbell, but he just treats us like dogs.

Whilst I know I can never give her another back I can at least dream?

- Simon Bendle, Host with the Least.

Any suggestions chaps?


Post 4457

Pat Pending

Change 'wofts' to 'wafts' and you're away.

I've e-mailed asking whu my 'idle hands' post was pulled (could it be because it included 'discunt'?)


Post 4458

Commander Band

Perhaps use "Dolly Dimple" rather than woman?

The Johnston is currently arguing for less stringent border controls in "ins & outs of asylum seeking" on FLN. I strongly suspect he needs support for this new crusade of this.


Post 4459


dare you, I expect to see Bushwack'd (5) soon after


Post 4460


Will do Pat!

Possibly they thought it somewhat obscene the thickos!

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