A Conversation for The five pillars of Islam: Salaat - Prayer

Peer Review: A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 1

Rik Bailey

Entry: Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat) - A970959
Author: Muzaakboy - Better than the right thing is one who does it. - U208494

Salaam alaikum,

I have finished checking my spelling mistakes and every thing with this.

there probabley is more spelling mistakes but hey, I'm no good at spelling.

So what do you think?


A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 2

Old Hairy

Just read this, looked at for typos only. The following (in order of appearance) need fixing:-

"pillers" -> "pillars"
"Prayer is compulsively on every Muslim" -> "Prayer is compulsory for every Muslim"
"Human nature its self" -> "human nature itself"
"many verse" -> "many verses"
"a persons aspirations" -> "a person's aspirations"
"devotion of God" -> "devotion to God"
"a aid" -> "an aid"
"prayer some one can perform" -> "prayer one can perform"
"Fard" should be either always "Fard" or else "fard" except at the start of a sentence.
"Prayers one does just because they want to" -> "Prayers one does just because one wants to"
"by there parents" -> "by their parents"
"then they can not pray to" -> "then they can not pray either" (I think that is what you mean)
"tight fitting for both sexes" -> "tight fitting for either sex"
"bear chested" -> "bare chested"
"a Muslims" -> "a Muslim"
"When a Muslim prayers" -> "When a Muslim prays"
"with out this permission" -> "without this permission"

In addition to the above, to comply with house style, you should change all double quotes to single quotes.

I do not understand Islam, and so cannot comment on the content of your entry, but fixing the above mistakes should help the entry on its way.

A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 3

Rik Bailey

ok, thanks. I will remove the double qoutes with single late.


A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 4

Rik Bailey

Ok I have removed the double and replaced them with single.

Is there any other things that need changing.


A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 5


Did you address all the comments, or just the quotes?

smiley - panda

A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 6

Rik Bailey

I did indeed, If I missed any just point them out, But I believe I did get rid of all the errors.


A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 7

Dr Hell

Hello again, Muzaakboy!

My main comment is: If this is part two, where is part one? A link to it, or some comment would be nice.

smiley - winkeye HELL

A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 8

Researcher PSG


Researcher PSG

A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 9

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

How is this one going?

A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 10

Rik Bailey

Well I think its ok. I have not addressed the issue of the link to part one of this, because part one is not yet been choosen to be edited and so any link to it will be for the pre edited and not the edited one - if it ever reaches that far.


A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 11

Skankyrich [?]

Hi Adib smiley - smiley

Good to see this one getting discussed again, I personally think these are important entries to get into the Guide. smiley - ok

However there are still a lot of typoos to be addressed, not least in the title; 'pillars' not 'pillers' (in all the series). Some more:
belief in mans > belief in man's
increase ones own > increase one's own
rolled up in to one > rolled up into one
person has an abscess > abcess
hands upto the > hands up to the
to have long hair in them area’s > in those areas
Check your capitalisation and full stops too; some are missing and in one place you've put in two full stops.

I probably bore people to death with this bit, but style-wise could you make some more full headers instead of subheaders? I just think it would break the entry up more into logical sections.

I would personally put the links in; it will be easier for the subs to change them *when* (not if) they go into the EG. Again I'm not someone who can check the factual content as this is new knowledge for me; it will be for most people and I'm sure that with a little tinkering this is great EG material.

smiley - cheers

A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 12

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

I agree that parts one and two will be valuable additions to the EG, and hope you get time to make the corrections that Skankyrich has pointed out smiley - ok

A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 13

Rik Bailey

Ok I think I have addressed all the points.


A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 14

Dr Hell

You forgot to delete:

"belief in mans > belief in man's"

while you were Editing your this version.

This Entry is starting to look good...

smiley - winkeye HELL

A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 15

Skankyrich [?]

Well done smiley - applause! Looking great, think it's just a matter of time now....

A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 16

Dr Hell

I was just wondering:

"Prayer (Salaat) is the most important pillar of Islam..."

How come it's not the first pillar then? Aren't the five pillars equally important? Each in his own way?

Then: I have seen some other Entries, or Systems of Entries have a little clickable link-list-header on top, like this:

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | etc. |

Y'know what I mean? Would something like this be interesting for this Entry? Why not retitle the Entries without giving them a specific 'order' (or is the order important?). Like this (I don't remember the correct spelling):

The five pillars of Islam: Salaat (prayer)
The five pillars of Islam: Imaan (faith)
The five pillars of Islam: Zakaat (charity)
The five pillars of Islam: Sa'um (fasting)
The five pillars of Islam: Haj (pilgrimage)

I think also, that while this is certainly not covering every detail of the Salaat, thyt this is more than just an 'overview'.

smiley - peacesign
smiley - winkeye HELL

A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 17

Rik Bailey

Well I admit it may be a bit missleading where it says over view, to be truthfull I got fed up of the old Islam has five pillars and they are this this and that, and not going in to any detail at all.

for instance Shahadah is a lot more than just beliving in one God and that Muhammad is a messanger. So I wanted to explain all these things in a more indepth way but not to make it to long winded.

Unfortunatly for me I get carried away.

I agree with the part one ,two heading thing completely, and I was not doing that for two reasons.

firstly because the links would not be for edited ones but I'm told that they can be changed when they do get edited.

Secondly because I am currently writing part three and have not started part four or five.

But I realised this morning that I can make the heading and link for them and finish writing them when I can, as I think that will be ok, as long as I say on the link, coming soon or some thing.

As for the order, there is no order really to the pillars, but I wanted each one to be about a different pillar and that seemed like a good way of doing it.

But after looking at your suggestion, it makes more sense to do it your way, why did I not think of that, silly me. Thanks for the suggestion.

Yes all the five pillars are important but as stated in the article Salah is the most inportant as its the difference between belief and disbelief. a person who believes in God (in an organised religion) prays to God, while asome one who does not believe does not pray.

Thanks for all your help Hell, unlike your name sake your actually very helpfull, and i appreciate your input and everyone elses.


A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 18

Dr Hell

Don't worry, Hell means 'clear' or 'bright' in German smiley - winkeye.


A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 19

Rik Bailey

hmmm, I think you told me that before many moons ago, I must have forgotten, sorry.


A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 20

Rik Bailey


I have put in the links, and also added a small section on intention. At first I was not going to include it but I though I better as it is a vital part of all the pillars.


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