A Conversation for The five pillars of Islam: Salaat - Prayer

Writing Workshop: A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 1

Rik Bailey

Entry: Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat) - A970959
Author: Muzaakboy - Better than the right thing is one who does it - U208494

Its not finished yet, but please let me know what you think so far, and point out my bad spelling please.

My English is so bad you would not believe I grew up over here in England.


A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 2


Well, as I've said before, I think you need to remove all the "pbuh"s as they really aren't necessary in an encyclopedia-type entry.

smiley - panda

A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 3

Rik Bailey

Well I might. But what about the article so far. I don't want it to sound to preachy, as I want it to be informative about the Islamic consept of prayer.


A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 4


Asalaam aliakoum

As an English woman who has a great interest in Islam and has been trying to find a simple and clear way of learning about prayer, I found this much easier to follow than some of the explanations on Islamic sites I have researched.

smiley - spider

A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

Post 5

Rik Bailey

Va alaikum salaam, madame or shoul be your highness?.

I have tried to make it easy to understand why and how prayer is done in this article, I am glad you found it useful and easy to understand.

If you have any questions about Islam please do not hesitate to ask.
always try to help.

allah hafiz


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Writing Workshop: A970959 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part two (Salaat)

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