A Conversation for The five pillars of Islam: Salaat - Prayer

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Post 41

Rik Bailey

actually three is in peer review just got to write 4 and 5 now

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Post 42

Skankyrich [?]

Yes, have seen it there and read it, but haven't had chance to properly digest it yet - first impressions good though smiley - ok Will post some comments over the weekend. Well done again mate!

smiley - cheers

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Post 43

Rik Bailey

Couldn't have done it with out everyones help pointing out my rubbish english and grammer.

So thanks and congrats goes to you lot too.

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Post 44

SchrEck Inc.

Hi Adib,

I've been given your fine entry to subedit - it's the second one of you, btw - and the result is at A3895752. If you spot anything that needs attention, please drop me a note. smiley - bigeyes

SchrEck Inc.

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Post 45

Rik Bailey

Ok thanks

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