The h2g2 Post 18.08.14

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 18th August 2014

The Roads Taken

Roadside flowers. Who have you met along the road lately? Do you encounter interesting strangers on the bus or train? In the park? Online? You might want to tell us about it: August's Create challenge is asking us to tell about the people (or creatures) we've met along the way. This week, the Post has a wealth of stories to share.

Minorvogonpoet tells us about a distant relative by marriage, and the secret she kept to herself. Magwitch isn't secretive at all about her heroic gaming adventures. SashaQ has encountered some cool rockers, while your Editor encountered something mysterious in the forest rather a long time ago…you'll have to read it to find out.

Willem's still encountering wildlife, while the Prof encounters more people with strange names. We've got quizzes for you, and humour, of course. Ben and Awix are back with unique views on questions we ask ourselves.

As you reflect during your summer leisure, ask yourself a question. Now that I read h2g2, do I see the world from a slightly different angle? Oh, you may not think you do. But our influence is insidious. Think about it. How many times have you read an article in the Post, or a Guide Entry, and said, 'I'll never look at a sausage/postbox/the rings of Saturn the same way again? We have that effect on people.

We hope our benevolent influence extends to the collection of memoirs and writings here. We hope you see the world a little bit differently after you've read this. We also hope you're inspired to do some thought-changing writing of your own.

Have a good week, and keep your eyes and ears open!

Dmitri Gheorgheni

  • Cattle Egret by Willem
  • .

  • Einstein statue by Carol M Highsmith.



  • That Aussie UFO WAS a weather balloon.
  • A café with gramophone.

  • August Create.

  • Queen.

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