Quote of The Day 2012 4th Quarter Archive
Created | Updated Jan 2, 2013
Current Quotes and Leaderboard
2012 Leaderboards:
31/12/2012: QotD: send them in while they're hot. - Geggs
30/12/2012: My parents have always reckoned I was born in the cheese section. When I was about four I hit my head and was taken to the Lister where they hid behind a wall and fired x-rays at me. - benjaminpmoore
29/12/2012: I remember the queues to have a ride when the first escalator came to the Island in 1996... - Bluebottle
28/12/2012: I am firmly of the view that I ... should be allocated a small cattle prod ... in order to punish people for particular transgressions, including but not limited to wearing their trousers around their bum and walking incredibly slowly in front of other people. - Elentari
27/12/2012: There are fewer and fewer things that human beings can conquer these days but the drive to go further and better still exists...it is these brave/mad/intelligent people that have done things to allow the rest of us to have easier lives. - Alfster
26/12/2012: Ah yes, I remember the caterpillar invasion well... - Bluebottle
25/12/2012: But great for hanging off your nose at work and pretending that you didn't know it was there. - Pink Paisley
24/12/2012: Looks like we're in for an exciting week! The Harfords at number 28 have moved the rotary Wankel engine to the front garden! - The Groob
23/12/2012: I wonder if there's a Cleethorpes on Titan. Just imagine the view - Galaxy Babe
22/12/2012: Worst. Apocalypse. Everrrrrr. - Beatrice
21/12/2012: I'm part of a uni assassins group where you need to kill each other nonlethally - Nosebagbadger
20/12/2012: We, as a society, must be willing to listen, willing to take care of each other, to look for signs of pain, sorrow, suffering in those around us and to give them space and safety in which to talk honestly and without fear about their suffering. - benjaminpmoore
19/12/2012: I can imagine getting home, and when my wife asks me what I'm doing, and replying that I'm reading a book to discover whether Billie Piper's bikini is fur or leather probably wouldn't go down too well... - Bluebottle
18/12/2012: It's a Paddington Bear of a post - Pastey
17/12/2012: I'd give my right arm for an extra limb! - Beatrice
16/12/2012: I have been forced, lately, to watch daytime TV. This is a hidden terror involved with incapacity and an extra spur to getting one's health back. - AgProv2
15/12/2012: Apparently, grandma has taught the girls ALL the basic skills: cooking, sewing, and firearms management. - Dmitri Gheorgheni
13/12/2012: ...there's a woeful scarcity of songs about improving the civic infrastructure! - KB
12/12/2012: When I first saw the title of this thread, on my PS, I thought 'must be a 2legs journal'... then I realised I was 2legs, and it can't have been mine. - 2legs
11/12/2012: Perhaps it should be renamed to "QotITP" - Baron Grim
16/10/2012: Is it too late for me to join the Luddite Society? - paulh
15/10/2012: ...a Spanish friend of mine who bit into her first mince pie, and was disgusted to find that the contents was not minced meat, but sweet mincemeat! - Just Bob
12/10/2012: Burn it and wow, you've really done some entropy increase all those carbon, oxygen and hydrogen atoms, distributed around the neighbourhood. - Orcus
11/10/2012: I just bought an eclectic blanket.
I blame predictive text. - Icy North
02/10/2012: Whatever you do, never mix red wine and Jägermeister - Titania