A Conversation for Christians Ruin Atheist Christmas

oh my god

Post 1


Do you want to come to mine?

oh my god

Post 2


No church, no consumerissm, probably quite a lot of booze but you don't have too

walk in the morning if it it not sheeting down, eat what you want, when you want, do as you please, Dr Who in the evening, game of crib?

oh my god

Post 3


Yesterday in the shop where I work there was a guy complaining bitterly to me about the cosumerism of christmas. Then he handed me a load of notes for a piece of shit that he didn't need and wandered sourly away.

Dr Who gets my vote.

oh my god

Post 4


we have never subbed to consumerism and I find the church stance on some things, well, objectionable

this year I am thinking that I am becoming a militant atheist, consumerism with the back drop of the current economic situation seems even viler (not sure that is a word) and I am furious with the church that I can not find any good will in that direction whatsoever

oh my god

Post 5


Oh come on peanut. They refused to marry gay people because jesus vaugely alluded to it and st paul was a bigot. They voted against women bishops and they harbour paedophiles. What's not to like?

I bet they dodge their taxes too.

oh my god

Post 6


smiley - laugh

but I actually like the people at church, not that I go, and I live in a town where lets say attitudes still need to come along a bit, but they are, and given the backdrop of population I find the people that I meet who regulary go to church to be thoughtful, tolerant and not particulary representative of how the church is portraying itself

upshot is, that even as an atheist I am welcome, and welcomed, and no attempts made to convert, this year I could not be able to push the other stuff aside to join in community carol service, for instance smiley - sadface

oh my god

Post 7

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

That is sad, Peanut. All the best carols are ones that heaven likes, and singing is just good for you. I became a baptist from a Catholic because the hymns were much more fun and initially the people were too but sadly that has changed as they seem to be more community and social networking clubs than actually caring about each other.smiley - hug

oh my god

Post 8


My singing ain't good for anyone else though!

It is sad, but I just can't get over it, I have tried, but just feel too compromised in my head and smiley - love and if I can't go in good smiley - love, then I just can't

oh my god

Post 9

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

You have a right to your own feelings, Peanut. If you don't feel it you can't force it. Just don't let anyone else force their jollity down your throat. Just do stuff that make you and your daughter feel good. That will be a good time and memory for the both of you. Enjoy each others company and tell each other stories. smiley - hollysmiley - mistletoe

oh my god

Post 10



Thanks for the kind offer but I'm afraid I'll have to do my brotherly duty and endure the day with good grace (and some of thissmiley - cheers)

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