A Conversation for The h2g2 RPG Club

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Post 221

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

Why didn't she stop pulling the levers?

smiley - boing

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Post 222


I'm still hopelessly hooked on Star Wars: Galaxies and it has to be the biggest RPG I've ever played, inspite of it not being a 'traditional' RP game. I have the expansion. Jump to Light Speed, on order and I can't see myself getting back to my old games for sometime!

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Post 223


She fiqured one of the levers unlocked something...ie. Treasure Room, sacred towel, meaning of life and existance, the number 42. Or she was just Sado-Masochistic, the list goes on.

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Post 224


Yeah, my last girlfriend actually caught me in the act. How embarrasing, I had a gaming group over and told her I was hanging out with some friends. She showed up, I tried to explain, really I did. Our GM gave extra XP if you used a prop. Picture this, bald 34 year old swinging pvc pipe over head while wearing a cloak. Lots of explaining. We don't date anymore. lol

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Post 225


Ah, family gaming... a new and sexier way to get evil--ahem--even with your relations. Mom grounded you? Use her as a human shield next time you meet an orc raiding party. Sister stole your clothes? Well, she didn't REALLY need that healing potion... Even better if you're the DM--"Oh, sorry, Mom, that d20 just sort of... slipped. Looks like you get a 1 on your saving throw. So sad."

smiley - booksmiley - geek

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Post 226

darakat - Now with pockets!

Non of my family members want to play, as for girlfriends I find it better to tell the straight out that way there is no way its a problem in the future

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Post 227

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I'm going to do something totally radical and actually use this thread to apply for membership:smiley - tongueout

Hi, I'm Mr. Dreadful. You may remember me from such threads as "Ask Mr. Dreadful" and "Petty Hates."

My roleplaying background is thus: First played D&D at 11, played Woof-Rup at 15 (having decided that D&D was too corny), played V:tM at 17 (oh, the angst!), discovered Paranoia at 22, got back into D&D at 23 (having decided that 3rd ed was actually rather good) and last year got into LRPing (Shards, in case anyone wants to know).

Oh, and on the subject of RPing with spouses/partners my wife (girlfriend as she was at the time) was slightly perturbed when I decided to 'out' myself... now she plays D&D every week and (against all odds) managed to get a Halfling bard to 15th level.

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Post 228

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"


*Dies of shock.*

smiley - boing

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Post 229

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Well, with my corny senses tingling like buggery I bought the 1st ed. AD&D PHB and DMG for £4.50 each at the weekend. Now I just need to get me a Monster Manual.

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Post 230

darakat - Now with pockets!

Yeah, in 20 years time they may be worth somthing

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Post 231

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hello Mr Dreadful, and welcome to the club! Your name has now been added to the list of members!smiley - smiley

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Post 232

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

When you look at the ridiculous prices these things fetch on eBay £4.50 each is a bargain...

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Post 233

Horatio_Caine: {Princess Garnet Til Alexandros XVII}

You all know why im here, so i needn't ask right? Lol

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Post 234

Lotus - writing about Nissan/Datsun Zs

I would suppose I'm:

"Applying for Membership."

Done my stints with
D&D, 3rd Ed (dice/paper)
Vampire: The Masquerade. (dice/paper)

While I wanted to try my hands at
Werewolf: Wild West (dice/paper)
, I never found anyone in town that was doing so.

Right now, my roommates and I are all levelling our characters in
".hack," (PlayStation 2)
we are all on Part 1 as of yet(not for long), but one of us had previously had experience with Part 2.

We are also considering hitting up the Final Fantasy on-line they have for the PC.

Diablos 1 & 2 (PC)
were great, I'm hoping against hope they'll make another. I love my Druid from 2's expansion!!!

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Post 235


I want to join!

I don't really have any experience with pen and paper, but I've played countless console and PC RPGs, and consider myself to be extremely good at them. Currently, I'm waiting for Guild Wars to come out so I can waste all my time playing it :D

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Post 236

Titania (gone for lunch)

Welcome to the club, Horatio_Caine, Lotus and Ourobulos!smiley - smiley

Horatio, could you please supply us with some details of your RPG experience?

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Post 237


Can I join please?
Im a bit rusty but back in the day I was an avid D&D player. I have no xp of online games but have played loads of pen and paper RPGs. My favourites are D&D (of course), Warhammer roleplay, and paranoia. smiley - magic

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Post 238

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hi droozle and welcome to the club! You've now been added to the list of members!smiley - smiley

I can't say I've played much online games myself - I remember trying a text based one called Avalon (I think) and Project Entropia (which I will give another try once I get broadband connection at home).

I've finally bought myself a new home computer (a Compaq notebook) and I am now busy catching up with all the games my old computer (still working) couldn't cope with.

Currently I'm playing Shadows of Undrentide (a Neverwinter Nights extension).

I've been wondering if there were any Scandinavians involved in the making of Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights, because so many of the names are Scandinavian.

Example: The goddess Ilmater - there is a character named Ilmatar in the Finnish national epic Kalevala.

Undrentide - might be related with what we in Swedish would call 'Undrens Tid'. Literally translated it'd be 'Wonder's Time', but a more accurate translation would be 'Age of Wonders'.

There are more examples, but those are the ones I can come up with off the top of my head.

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Post 239

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

All the names of gods/goddesses in BG/NWN are from the main Forgotten Realms book which was written by an American.

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Post 240

Titania (gone for lunch)

I wonder if said American ever read Kalevala? There are too many examples to be explained by pure coincedence...

I know Tolkien read Kalevala - he even studied Finnish to be able to read it in the original version!. It is said that Tolkien based the elven language of Quenya on the Finnish language.

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