Post Room 101
Created | Updated Sep 23, 2004

'Everyone knows it. The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the
- '1984' by George Orwell
If you had a choice of three things that you could put into Post Room 101 what would they be? Here you will find all the things that Post readers voted they would most like to have gone forever. Is your pet hate amongst them? If not why don't you come up with a list of three things you would most like to get rid of and the reasons why. Your items will then be voted on by Post readers and if they agree with you the items end up here in Post Room 101.
If you have three things that are not included here and would like them put into Post Room 101 the send you list to me at [email protected]. Please include your reasons why for each thing/item and also include your h2g2 researcher name. If your fellow researchers agree with you, your things could end up here in POST ROOM 101.
The Things in POST ROOM 101
In alphabetical order
Boy Racers
Christian Rock
Clothing Designers
People who complain about sport on TV
People who refer to all scandals as X-gate
People Who Sing Along
People who wear sports gear despite having no interest in the sport in question
People who Talk in the Third Person
Reactionary Journalism
'Reality' TV Shows
Spam E-Mail
The necessity to vacuum/hoover
Post Room 101 ContributorsShazzPRME - Spam E-MailThe_jon_m - TailgatersMaster B - Christian Rock/People who sing alongquizzical - 'Reality' TV/Telemarketers/Clothing DesignersPinniped - Opera/SalesmenLLL Waz - Necessity to vacuum/hooverEgon - X-Gate/Sports Gear/Sport on TVpsycorp603 - 3rd Person Speech/Reactionary JournalismAsmodai dark - Boy Racers
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