Post Room 101
Created | Updated Jul 22, 2004

'Everyone knows it. The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the
- '1984' ~ George Orwell
Post Room 101 is the place where all the bad things are stored here at the Post Office, and
now we are going to give you the chance to place your three 'worst things in the world' in there as
well. All you have to do is send me a list of your three least favourite things and the reasons why
they are. Your things will then be placed up for a public vote by your fellow Post Readers. If the
Post Readers agree with you, your things will then be placed in Post Room 101 and the door locked, if
not, they will remain in the world and you will just have to put up with it!!
Send me your list of three things and the reason for each to me at [email protected] and please
remember to include your h2g2 Researcher name and 'U' number so I know who you are. I will then
shortly be in touch with you if I need more information or I have any queries.
If you prefer we can discuss the things you would like in Post Room 101 via a conversation on
h2g2, though of course these would not be private, but it may be something you would prefer doing.
If this is the case please leave a message at The Post Room
101 Message Service on the Post Office homepage.
The contents of Post Room 101 will be on show as soon as it starts to fill up, so the sooner you
send me your lists the sooner all those nasty, horrible, niggling, wriggling, scary, annoying and
hateful things you would really like to see the back of will be in there safely locked away.

Our very first submission for Post Room 101 comes from none other than our very own h2g2 Post
Editor Shazz, and here is her list of three things she would like you
to vote on to go into Post Room 101.
- Spam E-Mail
I am sick to death of checking my email and having to spend valuable time deleting spam. I have a
pretty good filter and have also set up my email options to dump it but too many still crawl under the
net. On a busy day coming up to Post publication I can be receiving mail every 5 minutes or so. I
need to keep an eye on it in case of problems/corrections and nothing annoys me more than stopping
what I was doing to check only to find that I need viagra, bigger boobs or have been spotted visiting
an adult site! Get rid of it all I say. - Mosquitoes/midges in fact most small flying and biting insects - except bees of course
This Room 101 nominee has its origins on the Isle of Mull. I really enjoyed my holidays there but was
always plagued by their famous midges which are reputed to be the biggest in Scotland. Along with
Clegs1, another friendly biting insect which can
blow your arm up like a balloon, I rated them worse than wasps as they always favoured my tasty
skin and left me covered in small itchy bumps. - Extremes
My final nomination is something quite abstract - 'extremes'. For the main part these affect entire swathes of our planet and cause disasters both for the environment and population as a whole. If this fails to sway the vote then I add my own views. What follows is my short list of ill-favoured extremes.
- Extreme Heat: Induces lethargy verging on laziness, severe swea...
'glowing', a raging thirst and a short temper.
- Extreme Cold: Hibernation sets in. Short forays outside only acceptable if unavoidable and 10 layers of clothing are in place. Cold extremities cause misery.
- Extreme Drought (Usually accompanied by extreme heat... see point 1): Causes an obsession with water and a desire to head for the sea, a lake, the river. Almost unbearable but curable with provisions.
- Extreme Wetness: Constant rain - especially the driving drizzle which infiltrates any protective clothing. A reminder of the flood in 1998 which filled my house with four feet of muddy river water and destroyed some of my most prized possessions.
- Extreme Anger: I hate confrontation of any kind.
- Extreme Religion: Religion has its place but taken to extremes it causes misery and war.
- Extreme Extremes: By my definition, anything taken to extremes tends to cause anxiety and distress.
- Extreme Heat: Induces lethargy verging on laziness, severe swea...
Now it's up to you readers, if you agree with Shazz that her things should go into Post Room 101
with the other 'worst thing's in the world' then vote in a conversation below. Similarly if you
don't agree then tell us why also in a conversation below. The votes will be tallied and if the yays get more
votes than the nays then Shazz's things will be placed in Post Room 101 and locked away forever.
Items/things put forward have automatically one vote for them and if the voting is tied
then I will have the casting vote.
Synonyms: clegg, horse fly, horsefly.