Post Room 101
Created | Updated Sep 2, 2004

'Everyone knows it. The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the
- '1984' by George Orwell
Post Room 101 is the place where all the bad things are stored here at the Post Office, and
now we are going to give you the chance to place your three 'worst things in the world' in there as
well. All you have to do is send me a list of your three least favourite things and the reasons why
they are. Your things will then be placed up for a public vote by your fellow Post Readers. If the
Post Readers agree with you, your things will then be placed in Post Room 101 and the door locked,
if not, they will remain in the world and you will just have to put up with it!!
Send me your list of three things and the reason for each to me at [email protected] and please
remember to include your h2g2 Researcher name and 'U' number so I know who you are. I will
then shortly be in touch with you if I need more information or I have any queries.
If you prefer we can discuss the things you would like in Post Room 101 via a conversation on
h2g2, though of course these would not be private, but it may be something you would prefer doing.
If this is the case please leave a message at The Post
Room 101 Message Service on the Post Office homepage.
Last week quizzical
submitted 'Reality' TV Shows, Telemarketers and Clothing Designers for you to vote on. The debating was as usual extremely lively and nearly everyone agreed with quizzical's choices which means all three of her things goes into Post Room 101. Well done quizzical!!! The voting on this list of three things is now closed, thank you for your participation.
Our fourth submission for Post Room 101 comes from Pinniped, and here is his list of three things he would like you
to vote on to go into Post Room 101.
- Opera.
Basically because nobody can act and sing at the same time. Sometimes I like to go to the theatre, because I appreciate the skill of the playwright in weaving a tale, and the skill of the actors in projecting it in a credible and compelling way. Sometimes I like to go to a concert, to listen to a consummate musical performance which features voices among the instruments.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who's noticed that the two don't mix. There's a similarly execrable thing called the World Wrestling Federation that amounts to choreographed sport. They should do it at Glyndebourne, and get all the deviants in one place. - Beer in the fridge.
Quite a lot of foreign people seem to think that beer should be served ice-cold. They come from places like America and Australia, and if you listen to them you will realise that they all have a problem with their sinuses. I subscribe to a theory that they have confused beer with some sort of medication. Personally I like the taste of the stuff, and it spoils my enjoyment when drinking it gives me a stabbing pain behind the eyes. - Salesmen.
These are people who are paid to advocate things that they don’t really believe in. I’m probably a bit old-fashioned, but this practice does strike me as a little hypocritical. It's not even as if salesman are lawyers, who do exactly the same thing, but who adhere to long-standing traditions and dress stupidly to prove it. We surely can't have people who are not actually wearing wigs and gowns going round making outrageous claims of veracity. Ordinary, decent people might assume that they are telling the truth.
Now it's up to you readers, if you agree with Pinniped that his things should go into Post Room
101 with the other 'worst thing's in the world' then vote in a conversation below. Similarly
if you don't agree then tell us why also in a conversation below. The votes will be tallied and if the
yays get more votes than the nays then Pinniped's things will be placed in Post Room 101 and
locked away forever.
Items/things put forward have automatically one vote for them and if the voting
is tied I will have the casting vote.
Voting closes at midnight GMT on Tuesday 17th