Post Room 101
Created | Updated Sep 23, 2004

'Everyone knows it. The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the
- '1984' by George Orwell
Post Room 101 is the place where all the bad things are stored here at the Post Office, and
now we are going to give you the chance to place your three 'worst things in the world' in there as
well. All you have to do is send me a list of your three least favourite things and the reasons why
they are. Your things will then be placed up for a public vote by your fellow Post Readers. If the
Post Readers agree with you, your things will then be placed in Post Room 101 and the door locked,
if not, they will remain in the world and you will just have to put up with it!!
Please make sure that your list of three things does not include actual people or Trade Names.
Send me your list of three things and the reason for each to me at [email protected] and please
remember to include your h2g2 Researcher name and 'U' number so I know who you are. I will then
shortly be in touch with you if I need more information or I have any queries.
If you prefer we can discuss the things you would like in Post Room 101 via a conversation on
h2g2, though of course these would not be private, but it may be something you would prefer doing.
If this is the case please leave a message at The Post
Room 101 Message Service on the Post Office homepage.
As you can see at the moment there are no submissions for Post Room 101, so if you have three pet
hates then here is you chance to try to get them voted into Post Room 101. The instructions for doing so are written above. Thank you.
Last week Asmodai dark
submitted All Irish Beers that are not Guinness, Boy racers and The BBC's coverage of the Judo for
you to vote on. The debating was hotly contested this week and both All Irish Beers that are not
Guinness and The BBC's coverage of the Judo where almost unanimously kept out but Boy Racers
were booted through the door to Post Room 101 and the door slammed decisively shut. The voting on
this list of three things is now closed, thank you for your participation.