A Conversation for The H2G2 Society

New Mission: Informant rescue

Post 61

Kat - From H2G2

That's just typical!

*stands around looking smiley - fairy-like before remembering she actually does have wings.*

I'm out of here back to my icecream van...I goofed up!

New Mission: Informant rescue

Post 62


*several stun grenades are thrown into the courtyard*


New Mission: Informant rescue

Post 63

Kat - From H2G2

*sits back in icecream van with a cider icelolly*

All agents out out out. Mission abort. Mission Abort!

New Mission: Informant rescue

Post 64

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

<*sniggers* Oh i love being evil...>

New Mission: Informant rescue

Post 65


smiley - wah

I missed Kat and Arisz being sexy fairies... smiley - wah

smiley - fairysmiley - cry

*arrives at the ice cream van and looks inside* Ooh, are you still being smiley - fairy-like? smiley - drool

New Mission: Informant rescue

Post 66

Kat - From H2G2

*appears at van window*

Hello Joe...Yes I'm still a smiley - fairy in rebellion to the rules because Nick said it wasn't fair and that as a smiley - fairy I should have been okay...and as you know...the girlfriend's ALWAYS right...unless I want my ear cut off.

*twinkles around in short short dress and twinkly slippers*

New Mission: Informant rescue

Post 67

Arisztid Lugosi

*sees joe at the van and comes over to talk to him and Kat*
hello. its ok if yuo missed me being a sexy fairy.... it didnt last long before i was shot!

New Mission: Informant rescue

Post 68

Kat - From H2G2

Arisz why aren't you still a smiley - fairy? Didnt you feel liberated and free? smiley - laugh

New Mission: Informant rescue

Post 69

Uncle_Bob - Back In Black

*a figure flies down on a parachute with a pistol in each hand*

New Mission: Informant rescue

Post 70

saint she - fly or die - angel, spy, assassin

*looks disgusted at captors*

New Mission: Informant rescue

Post 71

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

*Was skulking around in the shadows, originally as a very sexy dark ninja faery, but ditched the wings as they became too cumbersome. Was then just a ninja. suddenly lights shine all over him, Hussassan looks t where they came from, and sees a whole bunch of big guns pointed at him.*

Oh, kuso. *Rasies hands.* I surrender. *Is swiftly handcuffed, de-armed, de-gadgeted, and taken to a prison area.*

This means I am the other one, I guess, if that's OK

New Mission: Informant rescue

Post 72

saint she - fly or die - angel, spy, assassin

*winks at hussassan because im all tied up and gagged *

New Mission: Informant rescue

Post 73

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*captors ignore she's glare*

New Mission: Informant rescue

Post 74

saint she - fly or die - angel, spy, assassin

New Mission: Informant rescue

Post 75

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*guard starts to back away slightly*

New Mission: Informant rescue

Post 76


*the two prisoners are taken to a truck which then starts to take them away to a mystery location *
*just then the whole fortress explodes in a big fireball *


New Mission: Informant rescue

Post 77

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

*Starts rubbing the edge of the rope he is tied up with against the metal wall of the truck.*

New Mission: Informant rescue

Post 78

saint she - fly or die - angel, spy, assassin

New Mission: Informant rescue

Post 79

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*guards point there guns at the prisoners while others drive*

(this isent relience security transport I m afraid...>

New Mission: Informant rescue

Post 80

Arisztid Lugosi

*still standing at the ice creme truck*

*wonders if she should come to the rescue*

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