A Conversation for The H2G2 Society

Weapon/tech thread

Post 1


Any ideas for Weapons and technology post them here. See the briefing room for details.
Option A:
PPK Pistol (with or without silencer)
Desert Eagle
SOCOM Pistol (with or without silencer)
Flash-bang Grenade
Fragmentation Grenade
Watch Laser
Grappling Hook watch
Spider bot (with video link so you can scout with it)
Trip Wire

Option B:
Grappling Hook gun
Spider bot (with video link and mini explosive effect)

Option C:
Sniper Rifle (PSG-1)
C4 Plastic Explosive
Personal Cloaking shield (fast/sudden movement allows you to be seen, can't be used for extended periods of time)
Mini-gun (can overheat if used for too long)
Rocket Launcher with guided rockets

Vehicle based missions:
Option A:
Rear mounted Smoke Screen
Bullet proof chassis/windscreen/tyres

Option B:
Mini gun (front or rear mounted)
Rear Mounted Oil Slick

Option C:
Cloaking shield
Homing Missiles
Morph ability (e.g. car to boat)


P.S. If you want to dispute the Option something is in do it in this thread.

Weapon/tech thread

Post 2

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

Med kits,
toothpaste disguised as plastic explosives... or should that be the other way around smiley - winkeye
camera that takes x-ray photos....
fake id cards,
hacking device
cigerete explosives
mirror on a pole
sucktion cups
[poison dart pen]
[magnetic watch ] supplied by Kat

Weapon/tech thread

Post 3

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

flask of acid
wire cutting kit

Weapon/tech thread

Post 4


I'd say all of that should go in Option A, apart from the toothpaste explosives which are option C.
Option A
Kinves (throwing and punching)
Finger print/DNA copier
Fake Beard (had to go there for the whole beardiness thing)
Lock Picks

Option B
Face maker (makes an mask that is an identicle copy of someones face, takes time to scan face of subject (who must be within 5 cm and non moving).
Disguise Kit
EMP grenade (can take out anything that is electric that is not shielded against Electro magnetic pulses)

Option C
Air strike (certain missions only)

Also all agents come free with radio... unless we want to make that Option A or something?


Weapon/tech thread

Post 5


Acid = Option A
Landmine = Option C OR IN Vehicle missions Option B (dropped onto road).
Torpedo = Vehicle missions only, Option C
Wire cutting kit = Option A


Weapon/tech thread

Post 6

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

peper spray
tape recorder (vidio/audio)

Weapon/tech thread

Post 7

Kat - From H2G2

night goggles?

Weapon/tech thread

Post 8

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

yeah... smiley - biggrin
and... and...
a raido transmiter hiden on a broach or a pin thingamy

Weapon/tech thread

Post 9

Kat - From H2G2

lock picks

Weapon/tech thread

Post 10

Kat - From H2G2

a spellchecker! *apologises profusely and grovels*

Weapon/tech thread

Post 11

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - laugh
smiley - evilgrin

Weapon/tech thread

Post 12


How about an standard Issue suticase w/ all different tricks ("What a nasty little christmas present") Like a flat kinfe in side, tear gas canister inside with magnet lock to latches, Foldingg AR7 rifle w/ ammo, and 50 Gold Soverigns in the case (On Strip). Of course you should be able to add/remove certain parts/freatures of the casesmiley - cheers

Weapon/tech thread

Post 13


smiley - ok I've added something like that! I've made it so you can add your own weapons, rather than it coming with any.


Weapon/tech thread

Post 14


Yeah for the suitcase, but you forgot the soverigns!

Anyway, how about a H/K Mp5 for A Level-b option.

Weapon/tech thread

Post 15


We provide money anyway so it is taken for granted!
And what is the H/K Mp5; i've never heard of it


Weapon/tech thread

Post 16


The HK Mp5 (or the UMP) is a light-weight rapid-firing SMG Developed by the Manufacturer Heckler and Koch in 1954, Over the years, many inprovemnets have been made to the weapon, and many different military groups worldwide use them (Like US SWAT Teams or the navy SEALS).

Easy Version:
Kickass SMG that can be found everywhere, is used everywhere, and can easily be customized

Image at: http://www.gun-world.net/old/H&K/ump/UMP40-3.jpg

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