A Conversation for The H2G2 Society

Cell 2 - Locating possible WMD sources

Post 261

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*the level of chickens continues to rise in the meentime the timmer for the self destruct is going down fast*

Cell 2 - Locating possible WMD sources

Post 262



Cell 2 - Locating possible WMD sources

Post 263

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*the leval of chickens is starting to get very high and with it the timer is very low*

Cell 2 - Locating possible WMD sources

Post 264


(interesting ... an inverse relationship)

Cell 2 - Locating possible WMD sources

Post 265

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

OH $H1T! *Hussassan and Skenvoy desperately scramble to the top of the pile of chickens, and make it just as an explosion goes off, but one which is muffled by the enormous number of chickens.*

Cell 2 - Locating possible WMD sources

Post 266


hmmm quickly raosted chicken smiley - drool

Cell 2 - Locating possible WMD sources

Post 267


*masticates it*

Cell 2 - Locating possible WMD sources

Post 268


Hhmmmm...... an inverse relationship between how many chickens and how many seconds on exsplosive devices. Now let me seeeeee......


The last one to start killing chickens will be facing rotten eggs!

Aww, here widdle chicky, thats it, come here chuck chuck chuck.....BANG!

Its amazin how they ever evolved from primordial soup, they can't even recognise a human being using sweet language to lure it into a planned meeting with a Berretta 9mm, semi-automatic, field strippable handgun with a nifty red dot laser light.

Cell 2 - Locating possible WMD sources

Post 269


hehe... wondered how long it would take for someone to use the inverese relationship .... but i could always be wrong about the exiostance of a relationship

Cell 2 - Locating possible WMD sources

Post 270


*starts killing chickens*

Cell 2 - Locating possible WMD sources

Post 271

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*timer bleeps as one of the chickens is killed then there is a second bleep*

Cell 2 - Locating possible WMD sources

Post 272


*kills more*

Cell 2 - Locating possible WMD sources

Post 273

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*the timer bleeps again then the room gets warmer as the production of chickens increses*

Cell 2 - Locating possible WMD sources

Post 274

Kat - From H2G2

Everyone stop shooting chickens!!! It's getting hot in here! *pulls out sunglasses*

Whilst you lot have been playing ovens, I've been looking round the other warehouses *explains my absence* and I've found a load of empty chemical vats and a load of boxes with "WMD parts This Way Up FRAGILE" on them. I'm heading back to HQ with some of them to see what we can see. Anyone who has had enough of chicken poo can head back.

Cell 2 - Locating possible WMD sources

Post 275


*the grunt in the lock in a cell at HQ when some one finally returns says*

don't open the box directly they are booby trapped ... i don wanna die that way

Cell 2 - Locating possible WMD sources

Post 276


*stops shooting chickens*

*goes back to base*

Cell 2 - Locating possible WMD sources

Post 277


Yeah lets get back to base. I just can't help but feel that the chickens were more than just CMD's, they seemed as though they were weighing us up. I HATE being eyeballed by chickens.

Kat, can I ride back to base with you?

Cell 2 - Locating possible WMD sources

Post 278

Kat - From H2G2

Oh reality you're so sweet. Hop on then and hold tight, but not there.
*roars away on motorbike having got vans to take boxes and vats back*

We got any lab ratz to look at these things?

Cell 2 - Locating possible WMD sources

Post 279


*walks into base*
bad news guys... I did some scouting and some people saw some vans taking crates away from that warehouse the other day... we're gonna have to track them down... I'm starting a search now... they may not have anything to do with Mr M but lets be sure hey?


Cell 2 - Locating possible WMD sources

Post 280


*grunt that is locked in a cell awitng completion of interogation*


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