kepz - a few words about dust
Created | Updated Sep 18, 2002
Just a second
Have you ever seen a Purple Frog on a tree?
It might be on its top, or under it, or hidden inside.
I advise you to skip all the following and go straight to Half-the-tree
express our feelings and thoughts within the borders of our country. It can also be used worldwide, though only if people out there do speak th¶is very language. Otherwise, it is often possible to use an international tongue, e.g. English. Yet there are places where noone speaks english, nor any other commonly shared tongue.
Perhaps Polish?

Or perhaps New York?
If ya wanna lern howda tawk lyka Noo Yawka, yuv kumtuda righd playce!
the real question
¿If nothing can be shared universally, can something be shared at all ?
and a suspect answer:
I think the answer is no, because human beings have many troubles in communicating, and as a matter of fact they can only build a communication progressively, bit after bit. Therefore every word is only a tiny ¶
factor of comprehension, while it is also besides often a symbol of disrupted understanding, or even a vector of agression. That's why each and every word is uncomplete and lame. Thus if indeed the process of speach is a slow construction, bit after bit, this process would needs as a foundation something more than a "first" word ( because this first word is doomed to b¶e inaccurate). And thus everything a human will speak out is fatally an
attempt to catch up with the accuracy he was forced to miss with his first word. Each word being only partial, it is impossible. Therefore the fact that no word in no language of earth has a universal value implies that nothing can be shared at all.

That's why a universal word is needed, only one, that would help every one starting the conversation with a good foundation. A word that would just bear accuracy itself. A word that would be the symbol of cordiality, a word that would just say: "I know we're different, and even though I know it I have something to share with you".
"Actually I have something to share with you *because* we're different."
Now for the clever ones out there who would object that the only fact of speaking is already the act of addressing such a "universal" message, and that this ideal already exists in each of us implicitely, I answer that perhaps once it can be useful to give an explicit place to this ideal: so that no one forgets what it's all about.
Now my humble proposition is that the word be : KEPZ
why not, after all?

there °must° be a MUSE within you:
get back musehome
RR - - rRRR
R - - - R - - RR
r - - - R - - - R
- - - - -r - - - - R
- ( It's about dancing ) ( nb: you will need the Dire Straits' album "Love over Gold" )
- If you don't have the album, try to find it,
- Put it inside your CD player,
- Try to find the third song with the arrow buttons,
- You'll find out that this alien dances on the very rythm of the song.
- How wonderful !
- It also works with song five - It never rains
(the album's interesting because the first song, Telegraph road, is the one DNA describes in "So long", when Arthur and Fenchurch are -hum- together) (actually it might not, just said it to attract your attention.)

Purple Frog: Now, what's so interesting about this?
Typolifi: Of course, you noticed that when you read about someone, you usually identify with him. Besides, it only really works when the caracter is imaginary, perhaps because at the very moment when you read, you are the only life this caracter has. The author and the readers are in a way the body of Arthur Dent, and his thoughts.
Purple Frog: Now what the hell is so interesting about this?
Typolifi: Well, you certainly saw that one of the things happening to Arthur Dent is the constant change of bags that occurs each time he moves in time and space. You must also have noticed the bit about the oliva oil bottle. The point is: If the reader incarnates something of Arthur Dent while he's reading, what incarnates Arthur Dent's bags, and especially the oliva oil one?
Purple Frog: I beg your pardon? What are you talking about?
Typolifi: Of course, you can say that the reader also embodies the bags, the bag changes, the spaceships, the Fords, the Trillians and even the Zaphods, and also Marvin. Nevertheless, you must have perceived that in fact, for instance concerning Fenchurch, you don't identify her to yourself but rather to the girl you're in love with, if you happen to be in love with a girl and/or if being in love with a girl is part of the usual set of things you can do, given your nature. Therefore,...
Purple Frog: Won't you shut up?
Typolifi: Err; no; not really. Therefore, the slight way the reader has to embody the caracters in the book also extends to the reader's symbolical environnement. Why symbolical? Because both the identification with the caracter and the life you give him are also symbolical, which doesn't mean they don't exist,...
Purple Frog: Oh yeah?
Typolifi: ... but only means they are very slightly light. Yet It's a fact they can influence your personnality and the way you act, and go on living within you. Indeed what through reading takes life in the symbolical world of ours is at least as much part of the external world as all the thoughts we have, it even has a better consistency because it has been pre-formed into a whole,...
Ok! Thank you very much, like you said, 'into a hole', ladies and gentlemen, we apologise for any inconvenience and wish you a pleasant way home, good bye, and sorry again, bye...
Typolifi: ...into an integrated entity, if you prefer, and therefore it has even more consistency than some of our thoughts.
Purple Frog: Than some of your thoughts, I suppose.
Typolifi: ... And thus, they can be connected to other bodies than our own, exactly the way we can think true things about other bodies than our own. In consequence, the symbolical embodiment of Arthur Dent's bag is one of our bags, not the one we use almost everyday, which symbolically associated to other things, but the bag we had quite forgotten about, the one we don't really use.
Purple Frog: To the point, please!
Typolifi: Then we should fulfill this symbolical role the bag acquired, by getting it used to unusual situations, like disappearing, being filled with strange objects, appearing, travelling through space and time, etc.
Purple Frog: Are you mad?
Typolifi: TAKE THE BAG AND DO IT! Fill it with unexpected things, try not to think, or if you do, think about the most unexpected things too, try to do something else that you planned, and you'll see...
Purple Frog: SEE WHAT?
Typolifi: You'll see whether it is Arthur Dent himself or fate's sense of humour that rules the succession of events happening to him.and the father of all these things

Purple Frog: But isn't it eviDENTly fate's sense of humour, because in a book the author is the fate?
Typolifi: The reader's expectation, too, am I wrong?
Purple Frog: Ok, as far as the author expects this expectation.
Typolifi: Therefore it is part of the bundle the author and the reader keep exchanging, this bundle being eviDENTly what I called before the Whole, that is the integrated entity constitued by the book
Purple Frog: No, not at all!
Typolifi: Yes, and this integrated entity is what takes live in your symbolical self when you read or when he wrote, it is an organism, centered on the very caracter of Arthur Dent, whom the reader therefore mainly embodies. Thus it is the caracter itself that decides, and indeed it's internal logic has been split from the author in the act of creation he performed, a little like when you give birth.
Purple Frog: I don't give birth, I only exist on a network

Typolifi: Ok, ok, when ONE gives birth. And therefore both the author and the reader are not a concern any more when the new-born Arthur Dent lives his own life, that is when the writer has created and the reader makes something he has decided to be unexpected, thus sacrifising for a short while his own internal logic to let Arthur Dent out, alone with himself and fate. That's what the bag thing's about.
Purple Frog: Did I mishear or did you say: 'What am I talking about'?

A welcome message by U42
I don't know how to say it because it sounds silly and because I didn't know him, but his death makes me want to cry.

Ford Prefect
Towel matters: choose your favourite colour among these
Whose Line is it Anyway?
from Betelgeuse 7
JTG's Favourite Rejection Comments

Zaphod Beeblebrox
SMILERAISING indeedPangalactic Gargleblaster

SlartibartfastSmiley Guide = A day in the life of h2g2:

TC 4 - Link to a friend from the Slartimade countryPrak
When he started to speak the Truth, all the Truth and only it, and before everyone went away from the tribunal, they had time to notice there were many tasty bits about frogs. That makes them almost as interesting as Arthur Dent.
And, by chance, I happen to be a frog's friend. Not a universal frog friend, mind you. For instance I don't like blue, six-foot high, short-sighted frogs (for evident reasons, but if you can't find them out, why don't you check this forum).
No.... I'm A frog's friend, you see. That is the friend of A frog. A particular one. It's the Purple Frog. It was attributed to me by Dragonfly during an epic auction. Purple frogs don't eat dragonflies. Or at least this Purple Frog doesn't eat Dragonfly.
The Purple Frog lives up there, in Half-the-tree. Often it hangs out with me in the forums. I've heard rumours it sometimes even goes out there alone. She then appears under the nickname "Purple Frog". (a clever nickname, what d'you think ?)
His favourite forum is
Frogs Forever.
She/He also indicates a few entries she has appreciated, for one reason or another, even if she does not share all the views expressed there:
frog links, by John the Gardenguru, no err.. John the Gurudengar;
telling frogs from toads;
and the articles of her friend the Purple Moose, who doesn't exist for some time. Nor does this other strange frog,Lyagushonok. Notice the strange prestance of this frog, and the date it wrote the entry...
And that's another purple friend.
And here's something about purple Lava LampsWowbagger
word games
Learn something about your likes
------- Sorry for this, I was testing the font sizes (if you don't see what I mean, you're in alabaster and you know, goo or brunel are better).

and dolphins
Intro | Kepz | Purple Frog | Chinatown
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... nothing to do with anything but concerns NEWBIES. THEY WILL FIND COOL