Frog Links
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
No, 'Frog Links' is not an exotic kind of sausage, nor a very wet golf course; it is merely a place from which to explore the exciting universe of frogs
... at least in as much as the exciting universe of frogs is represented on the Internet.
Anyway, having said that... off we go:
This corner of the net is home to all kinds of virtual frogginess, from the silly to the scientific.
Charles Bogert's Wonderful World of Frogs and Croaks
A Sampling of "Sounds of North American Frogs"
This is an excellent site dedicated to frogs in Australia, bless 'em.
There is some very good information about the decline of frog populations.
Frogs of the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, , KenyaThis is a very interesting site containing images, sounds and descriptions of the frogs and other inhabitants of the Arabuko-Sokoke forest.
An interesting site describing the discovery and reconstruction of a 200 million year old frog skeleton.
A frog-friendly pad by Hamline University Graduate School of Education, St. Paul, Minnesota that aims to create an awareness of froggy environmental concerns in the US Mid-West.
A fascinating site featuring frog research and the art of Lucrezia Bieler.
Dissect a virtual frog. Very cool stuff!
A very well layed out site with lots of wonderful photograghs and interesting information.
Science and Ecology:
This page has some super animated froggies!
The Froggy Page, Froggy Pictures
Many Froggy pics on the Froggy page.
Cool frog clipart and photograghs:
Billy Bear ... Catch the Frog Game
Billy Bear loves to visit the near by pond to catch frogs. See how many frogs you can help him catch. Just remember to let the frogs go when you are done.
Calaveras County Fair and Frog Jumping Jubilee
If you've ever yearned to be the manager of the World Champion jumping frog... this is for you!
Noteworthy Other Stuff: