A Conversation for The 2002 Christmas Wall

My Christmas Message to h2g2 is...

Post 1


Please write your message and your name...


My Christmas Message to h2g2 is...

Post 2


Another great idea from Greebo the Cat?

I'll have to think of something to put here....and you don't know how pleased I am to see I don't have to pick a colour...sometimes I think I may be a little colour blind.

Now it says the wall's not open until Dec 1, but we can put our orders in now can't we?

Well not right now...

smiley - wizard

My Christmas Message to h2g2 is...

Post 3


Hi Miztres... indeed if you want to write down what you would like on the christmas wall... then please do so... it will not be put up until later... but... you will be the first... and that is always nice... ~grinny grin~


My Christmas Message to h2g2 is...

Post 4

Zak T Duck

smiley - santa
Merry Crozmas everyone!

My Christmas Message to h2g2 is...

Post 5


Thank Croz.. you are the first person on the wall...


My Christmas Message to h2g2 is...

Post 6

Fadookie the Froody- Veggie Poetry@A2248733

smiley - cuddleI suppose you won't be back for a bit... but when you do get back, please put my message up:
"And a happy Hanukah/Hannukah/Hannuka/Chanuka/etc."

Get well soon! smiley - cheerup
-FTF(Left some smiley - donuts in your box...)

My Christmas Message to h2g2 is...

Post 7


Vote for my Xmas Poem... You know keeping your legs makes sense !!!

My Christmas Message to h2g2 is...

Post 8


Here's my message, thanks again Greebs.

My wish for this Christmas is for us all to think of others first. This is the example we are given at Christmas (be youChristian or not) and it's something this whole world can benefit from.

Let's all make a habit of thinking of others first.

Merry Christmas to everyone on H2G2!

smiley - wizard

My Christmas Message to h2g2 is...

Post 9


Love and peace to everyone in the h2g2 world.
Merry Christmas.
Merryweather xxx

My Christmas Message to h2g2 is...

Post 10

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

Let's try to get some more languages on the wall.

Can you make mine:

Prettige Kerst en een gelukkig 2003!

My Christmas Message to h2g2 is...

Post 11


Hallooooo! smiley - biggrin Here's my message for the wall....

"smiley - santa Whatever you're hoping that Christmas day brings, this is to wish you all of those things! smiley - peacedove & smiley - love to h2g2."

smiley - ta muchly! Merry crimbo!

My Christmas Message to h2g2 is...

Post 12

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas
and every happiness for the New Year

smiley - spacesmiley - mistletoe
smiley - smooch

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