This page is in the process of being updated and improved. Suggestions are gladly taken. Thankyou. 
Ever wanted to learn a little French? Here are some select French phrases that may be of use to you, for every occasion!
Please note that, there is different usage for 'tu' and 'vous'. Although they both essentialy mean 'you', 'tu' is only said if you are familiar to the person that you are speaking to, and misusage could cause offense. Anyone older than you or superior to you, or anyone that you do not know, refer to as 'vous'
Greetings/ Meeting people
Salut | Greetings! |
Bonjour | Hello |
Bonsoir | Good evening (arriving or leaving) |
Enchanté de faire votre connaissance. | Delighted to meet you. |
quel est votre nom? | What is your name? (formal) |
Comment t'appelles tu? | What is your name? (familiar) |
My name is... | Je m'appelle... |
Are you French? | Etes-vous français? |
I am ... | Je suis ... |
...anglais. | ... English. |
...canadien | ... Canadian. |
...australien. | ...Australian. |
...néo-zélandais. | ... a New Zealander. |
...sud-africain. | ... South African. |
...allemand. | ...German. |
Comment allez-vous? | How are you? |
I'm very well, thankyou. | Ca va bien, merci. |
Do you speak English? | Parlez-vous Anglais? |
S'il vous plaît | Please |
Merci | Thankyou |
Excusez-moi | Excuse me |
Pardon | Sorry |
How are you? | Comment allez-vous? |
I'm fine (good) | ça va bien |
What is your name? | Comment t'appelles tu? |
Vous êtes gros | You are fat |
Votre famille est une bande de idiots | Your family is a band of idiots |
Votre mère est un cheval | Your mother is a horse |
Vous avez un grand nez | You have a big nose |
fermé là | Shut it (rude) |
Votre mère est un hamster et votre père a l'odeur de baie de sureau | Your mother is a hamster and your father smells of elderberry |
Talking about yourself and others
Je ne suis pas un poisson | I am not a fish |
Il a un chien | He has a dog |
Je t'adore | I love you |
Je vous déteste | I hate you |
Je me lave les cheveux | I'm washing my hair |
Je suis maladroit | I am clumsy |
J'étudie le français à l'école, mais je suis très mauvais à cela | I study French at school, but I'm very bad at it |
Joyeux Nöel | Merry Christmas |
Joyeux Anniversaire | Happy Birthday |
Je ne comprends pas. | I don't understand. |
Le Guide Galactique | The Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy |
Parle plus lentement s'il vous plait. | Speak more slowly please. |
Going out
Bon Voyage | Good journey! |
J'ai oublié | I've forgotten |
Je voudrais une bière, s'il vous plaît | I would like a beer, please |
Tu veux venir? | Would you like to come? (invitation) |
oui | yes |
non | no |
Ennuyeux | Boring |
Escargots | Snails (the ones you eat) |
Gardez la monnaie | Keep the change |
Illness/ at the Doctor's
J'ai mal à la tête | I've got a head-ache |
Je suis malade | I'm ill |
Je ne peux pas dormir | I can't sleep |
Je suis enceinte | I'm pregnant |
Désolé | Sorry |
Au revoir | Good-bye |
À bientôt | See you soon |
See you later. | A plus tard. |
Goodnight | Bonne nuit |
If there are any suggestions or alterations to these phrases, post below. Happy French-speaking!